Way Of The Samurai 4 Exclusive to PlayStation 3

Earlier today, XSEED Games announced that they will be publishing Spike and Acquire’s Way of the Samurai 4 exclusively  on the PlayStation 3. The sandbox-style choose your own samurai game is going to be released fully uncut and uncensored according to XSEED.

I think I just peed my pants!

In Way of the Samurai 4, Japan is at it’s beginning stages of globalization; finally opening its gates to foreign traders. Players will be cast as a nameless samurai who happens to come upon the town of Amihama where a resistance group opposed to foreigners have begun their small, albeit bloody revolution.

It’s up to the players whether they will join the foreigners, the resistance group, or somewhere in between as a peacekeeper (oftentimes through violent means). They can also muck about town and spend time with the people, gamble at local dens, learn English and hang around the foreigners, and even romance a lady or two in Amihama.

Like the first three Way of the Samurai games, the player’s character is fully customizable. Players can choose from a number of face and hair styles, clothing, items, and weapons that fit their mood and play style. It will also feature multiple endings and game paths depending on the players choice of faction. As well, there have been rumblings that Amihama will be twice or even three times the size of the towns from older games.

Check out high-res Way of the Samurai screens after the break.


Are you interested in trying out Way of the Samurai 4; a sandbox-style samurai game?