It was just a week ago when Sony released the PlayStation Vita system software update 1.65, only to pull it less than 24 hours later. Of course, you can never keep a good firmware update down and Sony followed with the PlayStation Vita firmware 1.66 only 24 hours of that. Now, less than a week later, Sony has released the PlayStation Vita system software update 1.67 which is ready for your consuming pleasures, assuming you have time for the 100MB download.
Unlike previous firmware releases, Sony has yet to issue an exact update guide where they generally point out the differences and enhancements of the latest firmware. Still, free game fans will be happy to know that Montezuma Blitz, a Bejewelled like game is now available for your downloading and you guessed it, it’s free. We’ll update this post as we learn more.
We’ve now come to learn that the latest firm was designed to address an issue with Dream Club Zero Portable that prevented the camera functionality from working properly.
What changes have you noticed with the PlayStation Vita system software update v1.67?
[Via PS Blog]
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