It wouldn’t be Sony without a leak showing off their products weeks or months in advance. In our latest case, a new Sony Xperia smartphone picture seems to have leaked, dubbed the ST26i. What’s most interesting about this particular leak however isn’t a new handset from Sony despite the company just announcing the Xperia GX and SX. Instead, all eyes should focus on the devices back which no longer houses the Sony Ericsson logo, pictured below. Instead, the device simply states Xperia on the back and Sony on the top front.
It’s still unclear if this is just a prototype or a true indication of where the company is headed. Of course, Sony will need a lot more than logo changing to get back into the mobile race but that’s a whole other topic.
Should Sony keep the old Sony Ericsson logo or are they better off with no logo?
[Via IT168]
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