Apparently the next title in the Killzone franchise will continue right after the ending of Killzone 3. This is according to Siliconera’s source within Sony Computer Entertainment. The source has said that SCE has been busy recording a teaser for an upcoming Killzone game.
*Jan’s Note: There are rumblings within the industry and it sounds like the next Killzone title will be announced at E3 2012. Although, there is no word if the title will be coming to PS3 or PlayStation Vita. Also, this news piece is a HUGE Killzone 3 spoiler so read at your own discretion.
Though the source didn’t say much about the game’s characters or story, they did reveal an excerpt that can help shed light on the next Killzone’s plot, presumably, Killzone 4.

Could the new Helghast leader be none other than Scolar Visari's daughter?
“My sons and my daughters, today we take the first step toward our imperial future.
For years, this once-great nation has stagnated in the shadow of its enemies. Governed by scoundrels who flaunted the ideals established by my father, these traitors… these enemies of our race have diluted and exploited the triad of Duty, Obedience, and Loyalty.
This regime, this corrupt regime, has been dissolved. In its place does rise an era of stability and strength. A time of opportunity born from a promise that we shall return our people to their proper sphere of dominance.”
– New Helghast Leader
The short excerpt leads us to believe that the new Helghast leader (after the total destruction of planet Helghan) is none other than Scolar Visari’s daughter. Scolar Visari was once the proud and outspoken leader/dictator of Helghan after their separation from the ISA. Fortunately for the ISA, Sevchenko and his squad managed to apprehend the mad man. Unfortunately for them, the brash Rico again lost his temper and assassinated the Helghast leader at the end of Killzone 2, resulting in the snowball of events that led to the total annihilation of the planet Helghan at the end of Killzone 3.
It looks like Visari’s daughter isn’t that much different from her father in that she is as confident and as commanding a presence as her father. Visari himself was known as a great motivational speaker whose presentations incited Helghast pride and rallied the entire planet to his cause.
It seems that, now that Stahl Arms and the bickering and divided Helghast politicians have all been wiped out, it’s up to Visari’s daughter to pick up what’s left of the once proud and dangerous Helghan people to create a new empire, one that promises to be different from the old, corrupt regime.
We’ll for sure find out more about the next Killzone title at E3 2012, so stay tuned.
Do you think the new Helghast Empire will be more dangerous than ever before? Let us know in the comment section below.
[Via Siliconera]
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