Rumor: ‘OnLive’ Cloud-Based Gaming Service Coming To PlayStation

There have been a number of reports saying that Sony is about to announce a partnership deal with either Gaikai or Onlive to bring cloud-based gaming service to PlayStation products.

According to VG247, Sony is preparing to announce a BIG partnership with one of the two cloud-based gaming service providers at E3 next month. Though it’s not yet clear if the service will be for PS3 or Vita. Or perhaps both.

Onlive was actually in talks with  Sony to solidify a partnership and to bring their cloud-gaming service to the console last year.

Hit the jump for more information.

I myself have an Onlive account and have been an active member of the community since June 2011. To be honest, it’s been a great gaming alternative to my gaming consoles. New games get added to the always affordable PlayPack Bundle, and the community is growing larger everyday.

Onlive is a service that basically delivers instantaneous access to games. No downloads, no disks. The service has in the last year-and-a-half really taken some technological advances into the world of video games that hadn’t been done before.

Only Onlive lets players play their favorite multiplayer games like Homefront and Fear 3, as well as hardcore games like The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Just Cause 2 all for $9.99  per month.

With almost 200+ games on the play-all-you-want monthly PlayPack, with more added every week, and a lot more in the marketplace for purchase or rental, Onlive is quickly becoming one of the better gaming deals available.

If and when Sony announces a partnership with Onlive, it’ll definitely usher in a new era of anytime, anywhere gaming reality that the PlayStation brand is striving to attain.


What are you thoughts on Sony’s potential partnerships with Onlive or Gaikai?

[Via VG247]