Will You Be Purchasing God of War: Ascension? [Poll]

God of War: Ascension

March 12th will be an important day for two very different reasons for two very different groups. With the resignation of the Pope in full effect, today begins the internal process of the Cardinals from the Vatican who will meet and vote on the next Pope who will lead his fellow Catholics for the foreseeable future. On the complete opposite end of the spectrum and a date that had been determined for some time, gamers will finally get their hands on the next chapter of the PlayStation-exclusive franchise, God of War. The 4th console game and 6th in the series, God of War: Ascension once again places you in control of Kratos and is set before those of Chains of Olympus, about ten years before the original God of War. We’ll be having our own multi-part review shortly, covering the game’s single player adventure and multiplayer aspect, a first for the franchise separately. All this begs the question: now that God of War: Ascension has ascended into retailers, are you planning on purchasing the latest from Sony Santa Monica?


Why or why not will you be purchasing God of War: Ascension?