Sony Talks Augmented Reality and Its Potential (video)

Augmented Reality Promo Video

Sony is no stranger to augmented reality. Before Kinect for Xbox 360 became a household name, Sony had the PlayStation EyeToy for the PlayStation 2 which allowed gamers to interact with their game environment. Sony would then follow up with the PlayStation Eye for the PS3 with similar, but improved features that once again allow for you to be in your game with games like Eye of Judgement and Kung Fu Live. With the advent of the PlayStation Vita, Sony would take this one step further by utilizing the Vita’s built in camera which allows for a more immersive and personal experience. With the Vita, onscreen characters can now interact in your world.

Sony in fact believes in this tech so much that they launched Wonderbook, a virtual and interactive book, at their 2012 E3 press conference. Still, the company has never managed to wow gamers and with little consumer support, their efforts have so far gone by unnoticed. With the PlayStation 4 around the corner which boasts a more powerful core, camera, and social features, will Sony be able to finally pull in consumers towards augmented reality? It’s hard to say, but if Sony’s latest feature video is a sign, the company is far from giving up on the tech. Perhaps the issue is that we’re all just ready to take the leap to Holodecks and aren’t interested in the in between steps.


Have you used augmented reality apps or played AR games? Are you interested in the technology?