The following article should be taken only 1/4 seriously where I highly recommend you take our other articles at least 1/2 seriously. With that said, the following is based on a true story.
It’s not that the Xbox One will do poorly. I’m sure it will do just fine in sales. Remember all the doomsday scenario for Sony and the PS3? Well now, the console leads the 360 in sales so the truth is that while we beat each other over the head on a daily bases about announcements, companies rise and fall based on longterm strategic visions. However, it would equally be silly not to point out that Microsoft is officially hurting. While Microsoft rode the 360 wave high and mighty for a long time in the US, you now can’t go to a website that isn’t somehow jabbing the Xbox One. So how does Microsoft plan on winning back gamers? By games of course and they’ve already got a new one, Killzone: Shadow Fall. Wait, what?
On the official Windows Netherlands page, Microsoft is advertising the many games that will be coming to the Xbox One like Forza 5, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Madden NFL, and Call of Duty: Ghosts. The problem is that while Forza 5 is certainly a Xbox One exclusive, both Madden NFL and Call of Duty: Ghosts are multi-console while Killzone: Shadow Fall is a PS4 exclusive. Seeing how, you know, it’s made by Guerrilla Games, a first party Sony studios.
Of course, the truth is that no one single image will convince anybody to buy an Xbox One who didn’t want one before. But still, it’s a bit funny, seeing how there is no way that Killzone: Shadow Fall can be mistaken for an Xbox One exclusive. Now if PlayStation PR could just pick this up and run with it. I dunno, lets try a few:
Our games are so good, even Microsoft with the Xbox One wants in on them.
The only place to find Killzone: Shadow Fall is on Xbox One PS4.
By the way, the image is still up so maybe it IS convincing people that the Xbox One is the console to go with.
How would you run with this if you were PlayStation PR?
[Via Microsoft Facebook]
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