Those who know me in real life will attest to my monstrous collection of movies of once on DVD and now on Blu-ray. For me, it’s not just about being a film buff though I am and instead, more about what it takes to bring these huge ideas to screen. Be it a movie or now a game, millions of dollars and hundreds of hours are spent in order to craft a tale worth telling.
When it comes to the finished product, the game industry, much like the film industry though tends to focus on the same generic questions and debates when it comes to interviews instead of focusing on the people behind the team. Who are these people and what struggles did they have to over come to create the product that they delivered. Sometimes the results are less than stellar and other times, you have a masterpiece on your hand like The Last of Us. Thanks to a great interview by Greg Miller of IGN with Neil Druckmann & Bruce Strale, the lead devs on the game, we are able to get some unique insight on how The Last of Us could have sucked.
Do you enjoy true behind the scenes material?
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