In my last editorial, I talked about what I needed to do in order to get ready for the next generation consoles and all the pretty PS4 games that are coming out this holiday. One of them was catching up on my gaming shame list, which will by far be the most difficult one to accomplish. Why, you ask? Well, mostly because I have zero lack of control when it comes to buying games and resisting sales. I don’t know what it is about video games that makes them almost unavoidable to me when they go on sale, or come out with a great looking collectors edition, but I have the tendency to pick things up when I have oodles and oodles of unplayed games at home anyway. Sometimes I feel more like a collector than a gamer, and that makes me sad. There are so many amazing games out there to play, and I have a lot of them, but I find myself staring at the shelves of jewel cases, having no idea where to start.
So, I’ve decided I need to make myself accountable with you guys, so I can get through at least 50% of the 33(!!!) Playstation games I have yet to finish or – gasp – even start. And what better place than here!
I’ve tried before to put it out on the internet before on keeping up with my gaming backlog, but it just didn’t stick. But now, with the SonyRumors family, I’m hoping that I will get a little more slack for falling behind, and a little encouragement (or multiplayer help) to keep me going!
Below is a list of all of the games I have bought over the last console generation and have either not finished yet, or haven’t even gotten around to. And this doesn’t even include the 9 or 10 preorders I have still for the Playstation 3, including Tales of Xillia (CE!) and Dragon’s Crown coming out in a couple days. My wallet and backlog hates me.
The shameful, shameful backlog:
- Atelier Rorona, Meruru, Totori and Ayesha
- Batman Arkham City
- Battlefield 3
- Defiance
- Disgaea 3 and 4
- Dragon Age
- Far Cry 3
- Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2
- God of War 3 and Ascension
- LEGO Batman 2 and LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars
- Mass Effect 3
- Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest
- Portal 2
- Resonance of Fate
- Saints Row the Third
- Skyrim
- Sorcery
- Soul Calibur
- Spec Ops: The Line
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope
- Tales of Graces f
- Tomb Raider and the Tomb Raider trilogy
- Uncharted – 1, 2 and 3 (the most shameful of all)
![I need to take this advice more often](
I need to take this advice more often.
I need your help! Help me choose which ones to tackle first, and help me stay on track! Should I go for the ones that are started but not finished yet first, or start something fresh because “OMG SARAH HOW HAVE YOU NOT PLAYED THAT YET”. Let me know in the comments below!
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