Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag PS4 & PS Vita Remote Play (video)

Remote Play Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag

We’ve heard a lot about the PlayStation 4 being capable of streaming most of its games to the PlayStation Vita via Remote Play. While technically possible between the PS3 and PSP, neither console housed the appropriate hardware to allow for the vision to work properly. Due to this, very few developers embraced the feature. With the PS4, the functionality of Remote Play to the Vita is baked in with developers having to do little to no work and ensuring that most titles will support the feature. After the jump, we can see how seamless the feature works when you start a game like Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag on the PS4 and continue the game via Remote Play on the PlayStation Vita which was shown at Gamescon 2013 PlayStation press conference.



Does a smooth Remote Play session like the one above make you want to purchase a Vita?