Sony Not Done with Alpha A-Mount Series Cameras


Earlier this month, Sony announced the Alpha 7 and Alpha 7R, their new mirrorless E-mount full-frame cameras. While bearing the name of the Alpha series, Sony’s traditional A-mount line of cameras, the A7 and A7R have more in common with the company’s growing NEX E-mount line of cameras. This, of course, got many wondering if this was a sign of things to come with Sony slowly leaving the A-mount market and giving its undivided attention to the NEX series and E-mount cameras. Not so quick, says Sony.

When speaking with reporters, Sony UK’s Alpha product manager Takahiro Hirata, said:

 We will not quit A-mount product lines. We will have both product lines. 

Short term, this strategy makes sense as many consumers and professional photographers are trained to look for a traditional-looking DSLR, which Sony’s A-mount like of cameras represents. However, with consumers getting more tech-savvy and demanding more from their cameras, like apps and Wi-Fi for cloud features, Sony’s versatile E-mount line of cameras begins to look better and better. While the A-mount will likely be around for some time to come, I can’t help but think that its days are numbered.


Will Sony’s E-mount line of cameras one day replace their A-mount fleet?

[Via AmateurPhotographer]