One of the features of the Dualshock 4 is a built-in LED bar that lies between the trigger fingers. While it may or may not look cool, depending on your taste, this light bar serves an important purpose – it allows the PlayStation Eye to track your controller for more accurate movement. The light bar on the Dualshock 4 can also be used as a great way to distinguish different players with different colors assigned. While designed to serve an important purpose, some gamers were not happy with the light bar (because it takes a lot for a gamer to not be happy about something) and wondered out loud if a future firmware update would allow you to turn off the light bar when not needed. Now Shuhei Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios at Sony has spoken on the matter.
When asked on Twitter, where Shu likes to give simple and important answers, about the ability to turn off the light bar, he responded:
— Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) January 14, 2014
Given that the light bar serves such an importance and it’s not always blatantly clear when the PS4 may or may not be using it, giving gamers the ability to turn off the bar at their own will can only lead to a can of warms. What’s to stop you from turning off the light bar, forgetting that you’ve turned it off and then complain that a games motion tracking isn’t functioning right? Equally as Shu wen’t on to point out in a tweet, the light bar itself is LED and the power consumption of it is minuscule at best, resulting in no real tangible gain of additional battery life for the Dualshock 4.
Do you think Sony should give users the ability to turn off the LED light bar on the Dualshock 4?
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