Sony Just Getting ‘Warmed Up’ With the PlayStation Vita?


While the PlayStation Vita came out with a bang, the subsequent time its spent in the market has been ho hum to say the least. That is, till the last year where thanks to rise of indie games on the portable powerhouse and more recently the PS4 and its Remote Play features, the console is starting to see a revitalization. A big part of the consoles embrace for indie games and indie devs focus on the Vita has been largely because of Shahid Ahmad, Sony’s Computer Entertainment Europe Senior Business Development Manager. While the Vita’s had a huge flux of indie games and some bigger titles as of recent like Killzone: Mercenariness, Ahmad believes that he’s just getting warmed up.

Sharing his thoughts on Twitter as he often does, Shahid Ahmad had this to say:




While the PS Vita has a long way to go before being considered a runaway success, the popularity of the PS4 and unique games are certainly helping revitalize the console, if at a grassroots level which isn’t bad. Now if Sony could only land a few exclusive RPG’s.


What would make the PS Vita more appealing to you or do you already own one and are happy with it?