While Top Gear ends every episode with a bombshell from Jeremy Clarkson, Tuesday started off with one from Irrational Games head, Ken Levine, the man behind the Bioshock franchise. In his announcement, Levine revealed that he be shutting down the studio and take a small team of 15 to form a new studio that would offer a more experimental games with new ways of telling a story. While that sounds great, this means that nearly a 100 people or so will lose their jobs because Levine became bored and potentially had too much ego to turn the studio over to someone else. Beyond the ramifications to many whose lives will suddenly be changed due to the sudden loss of their job (income), gamers are left in question about the state of BioShock on the PlayStation Vita which was nearly announced three years ago. Now, publisher 2K has spoken up about the matter though there’s more to the story.
When the PS Vita was announced, it was also revealed by Ken Levine that the famous developer had intensions of bringing his beloved franchise to Sony’s powerful portable console. While his announcement was just that with no actual game in production, many thought that it meant that the man behind the series would be doing everything he could to bring his world to the Vita. Three years later and unless there is a secret packet among developers and journalist, nothing has leaked out about the game which begs the question, is the game even in development?
If the game is in development, is Irrational Games behind and if so, does the studio closure affect the games outcome? Will 2K simply bring a new team to finish off the game and if not, will another studio be allowed to pickup the notes and create the game? Ken (pictured left) has been adimit that if another studio is to pickup the reigns of the game, that he wants to ensure that they can deliver his vision with the highest quality. But with Irrational Games shuttering and Levine move to another project, will this clear the way for another studio, under the guidance of 2K who now owns the rights to the franchise be able to start and complete the game?
In 2013, Levine himself told fans that the delay for the game (unclear if he meant in terms of release or just beginning production) was due to Sony and Take-Two being unable to foster a deal though that seems a bit odd as many other franchises have come to the Vita like Assassin’s Creed and Killzone without much ‘legal’ and ‘contractual’ fanfare. When 2K Games was reached in regards to the games faith, they simply resorted to the “we have no update” playback, once again leaving the games franchise up in the air.
Do you think BioShock will eventually make it to the PlayStation Vita? And do you even want to see BioShock on the Vita?
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