PlayStation 4 Firmware 1.72 Now Available, We’ve Got the Details

Featured_PS4_Firmware_1_72If you’re planning on firing up your PS4 today then take note. Sony has released the PlayStation 4 System Software Update 1.72 for your downloading pleasure. Luckily, the update itself is a fairly small one and should only take minutes between download and install. So what’s included in the PS4 firmware 1.72? Let’s talk details:

PS4_Firmware_1_72According to the changelog provided onscreen, the PlayStation 4 firmware 1.72 is designed to address bugs and system stability. So no new features or functionality which the small incremental update number usually alludes to. This could however be setting the stage for a lager changes to come or providing tweaks required for future titles. From Sony:

If you’ve noticed additional changes, let us know in the comments section and we’ll update the post.


Have you updated to the PlayStation 4 firmware 1.72?