PlayStation VR Could Come to PC


PlayStation VR could come to a PC near you. Sony Computer Entertainment executive vice president Masayasu Ito:

 Since Playstation 4 shares a lot of its internals with PCs, the possibility is there. At the moment we are focused on games and we are not ready to make any announcements at this stage, but I’d say there will be an expansion into various fields. 

PlayStation VR could also come to Xbox One which also utilizes a PC architecture, an iPhone if the game was built on Swift and ported over for PS4, and on Linux because those 7 users also want in on the VR action. Kidding on the last one so don’t send me hate mail, I know there is at least 10 Linux users out there.

Jokes aside, the point is that Sony could bring VR to anything but that’s nor here or there as first, they have to launch the thing. The above statement is nothing more than just out loud thinking and should not be taken as indication of what’s to come.


Do you think PlayStation VR could come to a PC eventually and would you want that?

[Via Nikkei]