PlayStation VR Won’t Include Intensity Rating


Unlike Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR when it launches this October won’t feature and intensity rating. Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida explains:

I’m a fan of the Oculus approach personally, to have ‘Intense’, ‘Comfortable for most’ or ‘Comfortable for everyone’, something like that. But I think our approach will be to go through each rating board, so PEGI for Europe. 

We discussed it internally and it’s very subjective and difficult to work consistently as there’s so much content coming in. What causes the nausea? It’s not like everyone has the same reaction, everybody’s different, and people get used to some experiences. 

This is so now. Because we are learning so much, we cannot just come up with one approach of our own, so we prefer to work with the industry.

This makes a lot of sense. Too many rating systems will not only be confusing for consumers, but convoluted as well if a title gets multi-console release with different scores/warnings attached to it. If anything, there will be some knee-jerk reactions to how we should handle VR content during its infancy but like all other mediums, it eventually become the norm. Think movies, we have G, PG, PG13, and R for the most part. Now attached to most of them are some small texts like ‘fantasy violence’ and ‘language’ but does anybody actually read them? In this case, not trying to pin down too much what VR is and can be is better as it’s still an evolving landscape.


Do you think it’s wise for Sony to skip out on an intensity rating system for PlayStation VR?

[Via DigitalSpy]