PS4 Faces No Competition in Japan from Xbox One

PS4 doing well is no surprise. By all accounts, the console leads Xbox One by around 20 million units and the contrast in sales is even wider in specific markets like Spain. There, PS4 software sales absolutely dwarfed that of Xbox One which even trails the Xbox 360, a console with no new titles on it. Another territory that PS4 continues to do well is in Japan where Xbox One sales are barely registering. Frankly, every once in a while we hear a war cry from Microsoft about how they plan on doing a big push in Japan and I’m not sure why. At this point, surely what they’re spending in Japan isn’t worth the nearly nonexistent marketshare they possess. If the gameplay is simply mindshare, they’re failing at that too if they’re not able to sell any units. So if there is a grand scheme by Microsoft other than pride, I’m not seeing it.

As the above chart shows, the console market is down year-over-year but for PS4, things should pick up as a number of exclusives and PS VR are expected to increase sales.


Does it make sense for Microsoft to continue to stay in Japan?