Well here is an interesting report that was just released by Apteligent. According to their study which pitted top Android manufactures against one and other, Sony’s Xperia line produces the lowest crash rate among Android smartphones. This is notable because Sony managed to edge out ahead of Motorola, Google’s own produced phones.
To determine which manufacturer has the lowest overall crash rate, we decided to analyze only apps that have over half a million app loads a day. These apps tend to have low crash rates and are highly optimized. Also newer devices will be a larger share of the population sample, which helps reduce the impact of older devices on the crash rate. Samsung in particular has a long tail of devices, and the older models tend to have higher crash rates. This way our analysis evens the playing eld by focusing only on the most popular devices.
Not that Sony knows anything about marketing but if I were them, I’d immediately have ads running that touted the Xperia line as the most reliable Android phone you can purchase.
Are you surprised by the study?
[Via Apteligent]
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