Home Theater

We Unbox the Sony Bloggie 3D MHS-FS3 (video)

Although it’s only been two years since Avatar changed the movie industry and tech industry and only one year since 3D has began to make its way into our everyday lives, 3D has already made big strides in both the professional industry as well as the consumer realm. While in late 2009, Avatar was the only movie on the screens which was shot in native 3D, this summer has proven to be a spectacular movie-going experience with films like Thor, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Captain America being shot in native 3D. During this time, top filmmakers have all come to embrace the technology, like Steven Spielberg and his upcoming Tin Tin movie, Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit, and Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, which are all being made in native 3D.

As we’ve discussed before, a format can only become mainstream if consumers are given adequate access to it. During the last year, we’ve seen 3D prices drop to a point where most consumers can access it; a prime example being the Sony PlayStation 3D LCD, which starts at $499. However, viewing 3D is only half of what’s needed for this format to survive. The other half consists of everyday consumers and pro-consumers being able to create material in 3D, without the need to change their habits. That is, 3D must fit into their already-established workflow with minor adjustments; otherwise, the adoption will be slow.

With the Sony Bloggie 3D MHS-FS3, Sony set out to do just that. If you’ve ever used a previous Bloggie or Flip camera, then you should feel right at home with the Bloggie 3D. It’s just as easy to use as the aforementioned models with one simple difference: the capability to film in 3D. During our trip to Comic-Con 2011, we wanted to put the Bloggie 3D to the test and see just how the camera would function and hold up in our normal event workflow. Though we are still logging our weekend adventure in San Diego and testing the Bloggie 3D further, the following video is an unboxing of the Sony Bloggie 3D, which should give you a good feel of what the camera looks like and what you will find inside the box. Be warned: This video was filmed late at night as we prepared to head to San Diego so don’t be frightened by the zombie-esque look.

Sony’s New HiFi CMT-CX5BiP System Receives Futuristic Design

We live in a futuristic time with electric cars, tablet computers, and gaming consoles capable of delivering 3D content right in the comfort of our own home. So why should our HiFi stereos look any less intriguing? This must have been the thinking of Sony engineers when they designed the new HiFi CMT-CX5BiP system. This made-for-iPhone (and iPod) player is capable of delivering 40 watts of RMS power from your iDevice, as well CD player and FM DAB / DAB+ radio. With an auxiliary and USB input for audio, non-iDevice owners can use their device of choice as well for music playback. Built with Dynamic Sound Generator X-tra processing for some added flavor to your music, owners of the CMT-CX5BiP can also detach the two speakers and instead choose to wall-mount the pair. Sony’s new HiFi CMT-CX5BiP system will be available in August for the UK market with a yet to be determined price.

Hit the jump for a futuristic press release.

Sony Rolls Out 3D Experience On Demand Streaming Service with Free 3D Content

Having all the 3D equipment in the world can be a tad useless if there isn’t any media to back up the format and Sony knows this. Previously, we ran two separate stories highlighting the current 3D games available on the PlayStation 3 and available 3D Blu-ray movies. With Sony’s new “3D Experience” on Demand Streaming Service announcement today, we can place another notch in the company’s 3D offering.

 The service which is set to launch on July 13th for owners of 3D capable Sony Bravia LCD TVs (which includes any Bravia Internet Video capable 3D set sold since 2010) will be receiving this new and free 3D widget which will give you access to content like:

  • Highlights of Wimbledon 2011
  • Movie trailers from movies such as Green Hornet™ and Monster House in
  • 3D music promotional video clips

Going forward, Sony is will continue to add more free 3D content to the service, for instance, the World Cup, which Sony previously sponsored and helped show in 3D. Of course, if you don’t own a 3D Bravia TV, Sony is looking to have you covered as well. The electronic giant and firm supporter of 3D is looking to expand the  3D Experience On Demand Streaming Service to Blu-ray Disc Players and Blu-ray Disc Home Theater systems as well. The service is currently launching in the U.K., Germany, France, the U.S. and Canada.

[Via Sony Europe]

3D Blu-ray Films List, Including PlayStation Video Store’s 3D Selections

Our story, highlighting the list of PlayStation 3 games which are available in 3D, proved to be a popular one with many of you asking for a follow-up to it. We know that finding solid information on 3D can sometimes be hard, especially when it comes to a list that shows you currently what is out in the market. Fear not however as this article, like our previous one, will give you the 3D Blu-ray films list that many of you have been wanting.

After the jump, you can see all 3D Blu-ray films that you can currently purchase or presumably rent on Blu-ray and a list of the PlayStation Video Store 3D selection.

Full 3D Game List on the PlayStation 3 (Stereoscopic 3D on PS3)

3D continues to be a technology that evolves daily, with electronic companies tweaking the platform to make it more vibrant and easier to use. Sony alone now offers over 16 Bravia 3D televisions, multiple camera and camcorders with 3D, with the Bloggie 3D starting at only $249. Of course, the technology side is only half the battle, for you can have the most advanced technological offering for consumers, but without content, it wont mean much. Sony knows this and has made 3D offering a top priority for the companies game and movie studios. With nearly 52 million PlayStation 3’s in the wild and the ability for the device to play both 3D Blu-ray movies and 3D Blu-ray games (as well as 3D PSN titles), Sony knows that the PS3 is a sure way to garner attention for the evolving format.

After the jump, we have the full list of 3D PlayStation 3 games currently available.

Every 3D Movie Ever Made, Now With a 2D Chart!

Although it’s not a secret, many are surprised to know that 3D filmmaking has been around for over a 100 years. The filmmaking technology which saw a debut in 1903 really gained some traction in the 1920’s and from then on would follow a rough 30-year cycle of expansion and detraction. With a large boost in the 1950’s, the format would slip away till the 1970’s, though it would not have the same impact until the 2000’s. Still, it would’t be till after 2009 and Avatar’s release when the format has seen its release count explode.

Thanks to a chart from Sony, who is a large backer of 3D via their PlayStation 3, which offers 3D playback on games and movies, their Sony Pictures studio, which has produced 3D movies like The Green Hornet and the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man which is being shot in native 3D, and their countless consumer 3D cameras, camcorders and televisions, we are able to see the history of 3D releases. Although some are quick to call this rise in popularity a fad and part of the continued 30-year cycle that we see from the above chart, I beg to differ on the subject matter.

Till now, the problem with 3D was that it was a very isolated experience within the movie theaters, which were frankly hit or miss. With a large thanks to James Cameron and an advancement in technology, 3D is now much sharper, more precise, and an experience that is not limited to the cinema. Anybody can now purchase a 3D movie on Blu-ray and enjoy it within the comfort of their own home. Also, 3D is no longer limited to what the movie studios offer, which till now had be scattered; only in the last few years have we seen all major motion picture movie studios support the format. But, as mentioned above, Sony and others now offer a slew of 3D options for not just consumption but creation as well with pocket-sized 3D cameras like the Sony Bloggie 3D.

Hit the jump for a very high resolution chart from Sony on the history of 3D. While there, let us know: When was the last time you saw a 3D film or played a 3D game? Do you still think that the format is a fad, or is it here to stay?

Sony Announces New PlayStation 3D Glasses for $69

Hot on the heels of the new PlayStation 3D LCD, which offers consumers a very affordable entry way to 3D gaming and movies, Sony announced a new pair of PlayStation-branded 3D glasses. This new set, which will also be branded under Sony, comes at a considerably lower price point ($69.99) and offers USB charging. Previously, the company’s 3D glasses were heavier, required a small, watch-sized battery, and came at a price point of $149. Besides being fully compatible with all of Sony’s previous 3D Bravias and the mentioned offerings, this new pair of  3D glasses offers an improved design which allows the viewers to also wear their normal glasses underneath comfortably. Look for a fall release on these new 3D specs.

Sony Announces 1080p PlayStation 3D Television for $499. We Have Details and Specs (updated)

Right from the beginning of the PlayStation press conference at E3, it was clear that Sony was again going to heavily push 3D with the PlayStation 3. We were shown clips of games running in native 3D and looking more beautiful then ever. Some of those games included PS exclusives like Uncharted 3, inFAMOUS 2 (which you can now buy from Amazon) and Resistance 3. Still, as Jack Tretton, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, stated, 3D content is only half the battle. After all, you can have all the 3D content in the world, but if there is no affordable way for the consumer to view it, then the adoption rate will continue, but at a slower rate.

That is, unless Sony and their PlayStation team have something to say about it—and they indeed do. Under the PlayStation brand, Sony is releasing a brand new television bundle that aims to make 3D available to the masses at a very affordable price. Although the TV is perfect for the dorm room, bedroom or a LAN party, it can really accommodate anybody. Set to be released this fall at retailers nationwide, this $499 TV bundle includes:

  • 24 LCD screen
  • 1080p Screen
  • 5000:1 Contrast Ratio
  • 176 degree Viewing Angle
  • Edge LED Lighting
  • 2D and 3D
  • Dual View 3D (more on that later)
  • 2 HDMI Inputs
  • 1 Component
  • 1 Composite
  • 1 3.5 Audio Out
  • W 650 x H 391 x D 207 mm (stand included)
  • W 650 x H 346 x D 35 mm (stand excluded)
  • 1 Pair of 3D Glasses
  • Built in Speakers and Subwoofers
  • 6ft HDMI
  • Resistance 3 on Blu-ray disc (which of course is 3D)

Hit the jump for the full breakdown, including pictures of the television and its dual view 3D mode.

The Sony Netbox Features, Rapped

Ever wonder what would happen if the hip hop world made it into the corporate electronic world? Besides the fact that your great grandparents might get scared, there would also be no more mundane product videos that go over the features. But one man in UK didn’t just wonder this, he made it happen. All with composite cables and a tube TV. Checkout the features of the Sony Nebox, rapped out for you to some classic MJ.

Sony Google TV to Get Android 3.1 and Market by Summer

Sony was one the first ones to come in support of Google’s TV standards and help shape a foundation for Google TV. Now after nearly 8 months of silence from Google, the company is finally giving back to the partnership that was formed over a year which saw Sony release the Sony Internet TV Blu-ray Player and the Sony Internet TV. During the I/O conference, Google announced that they will be upgrading the Google TV platform to Android 3.1 (Honycomb) which will give developers access to new features, including the Android Market. Current Sony Internet TV Blu-ray Players and Sony Internet TV owners need not fret as they will receive a free, over the air update from Sony.

Sony Releases New Firmware and Feature Update for Bravia XBR-HX929

It’s really crazy to think that these days, your television will require firmware update to patch bugs and add new features where just a few years ago, once you left the retailer, that was your TV. But that’s just me being nestologic and I’m only 25 so I think I need to stop. Onto the news! Via Sony’s support site, Sony is releasing a new firmware update (PKG3.121AAA) for their just released Bravia XBR-HX929. The new firmware which comes in at 63mb is designed to add, fix, and enhance the following:

  • Adds the ability to use the Skype® online calling service
  • Adds the What’s New feature
  • Media Remote (Software keyboard, Full / Simple Remote and Shake Track ID)
  • VAIO® Remote Keyboard
  • Media Remote (text by voice)
  • Audio Theatre Control Widget
  • WMV/WMA Codec for DLNA / USB
  • 3D on IPTV and USB for NX and above
  • Improves performance and stability of IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) features.
    Note: IPTV allows you to enjoy HD (High Definition) programming from the Internet on your BRAVIA television that is connected to a broadband Internet connection.
[Download via Sony Support]

Battle: Los Angeles Announced for Blu-ray

Yes and a hell yes. I loved Battle: Los Angeles and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has announced a June 14th Blu-ray release date for this movie. Viewers will have the choice of a single disc Blu-ray package or the Blu-ray + DVD Combo package. Blu-ray special features which will be available for both packages include:

  • Acting with Aliens
  • Behind The Battle
  • Building the Aliens
  • Creating L.A. in LA
  • Preparing for Battle
  • Shooting the Aliens
  • Boot Camp
  • Directing the Battle
  • The Freeway Battle
  • Staff Sergeant Nantz
  • Marines Behind The Scenes
  • Aliens Ambush The Marines
  • Battling Unknown Forces
  • Technical Sargent Santos
  • Alien Autopsy
  • Gas Station Explosion
  • Visual FX on the Freeway
  • Do You Believe in Aliens?
  • Alien Command & Control
  • PS3 Theme
If you’re still looking for another incentive, then look no further then the Resistance 3, single player demo that will be available as well.
[Via Blu-ray]

Sony Bloggie 3D Now Available, We Have Specs

For those of you who are ready to jump on the 3D bandwagon early, you will be pleased to know that Sony’s Bloggie 3D camera is now available and ready for your film making career. Capable of recording in 2D and 3D, this 1080p, 5 megapixel camera is capable of recording 4 hours of 2D footage on 8GB of memory and 80min of 3D footage. Of course, the real story here is the ability to record in 3D for just $249. 3D fans will be pleased to know that you can playback your 3D recorded content via the Bloggie’s 2.4-inch LCD without the need of any 3D glasses and if you are looking for a little larger screen, you can output the 3D footage to any 3D television via the onboard HDMI though glasses will be needed at that point. The Bloggie 3D specs include:

Sony Delays 3D Handycam (HDR-TD10)

Another technology victim of the tragic events that unfolded over a month ago in Japan and that continue to ail the country. Sony Ericsson recently announced that their Xperia Neo would be delayed till Q3 of this year and that the roll out of the Xperia Play and Arc would be slower then the company wanted, due to supply constraints from Japan. Now, the camcorder division of Sony will be taking a hit as well and will have to delay their up coming 3D Handycam, which was originally planned to be released this month.

The HDR-TD10 with its almost owl like design features two lenses and two CMOS sensors which enable the device to produce the 3D images in 1920×1080 Full HD 60p/24p recording with 10x optical zoom, even when filmed in 3D. This $1,500 beast which is set to to be the first consumer 3D camcorder also features a glasses free 3D playback on the camcorders 3.5-inch LCD screen. It should be pointed out like other 3D equipment offered by Sony, you can also film in 2D as well. This 3D Handycam is now looking at a May 13th release window for Japan and shortly after for the United States.

[Via TMCnet]

3D Blu-ray to Grow by 500% in 2011

In hindsight, it’s always easy to pick out a winning technology and point out the missteps for the unfortunate ones. A history lesson will point us towards when HDTV came out and it was considered a fad. Nobody wanted a wider TV; they still wanted a square tube that was larger. Now, chances are that your smartphone and coffee machine screen are in high definition. Nearly 5 years ago, Sony and others like LG, Pioneer, and Panasonic set out to bring HD via Blu-ray. It is a format that was relevant then and is relevant now with current discs being able to hold up to 50GB and prototypes that can handle over 200GB. Blu-ray has also opened the door to “Blu-ray Disc LIVE” where your movies can get updated content like trailers, behind-the-scenes, and access to interactive elements like IMDB and online chats. And of course, if it wasn’t for Blu-ray, we couldn’t really enjoy 3D content at home but of course, many nay-sayers said that Blu-ray was a fad and would be done in 5 years.

Being a supporter of all things 3D, I feel like as a culture, we have reached the same point. Many started calling 3D a fad and that it would die within a year or more. Of course, just like Blu-ray, it’s many of  the so-called established tech sites who are helping with this voice of writing off the technology because they can get a catchy title out of it but the whole cynicism of the industry is another topic for another time. I believe that those same tech sites who were wrong about Blu-ray will be wrong about 3D as well if recent studies have anything to say about it. In fact, IHS Screen Digest has released a new report which sees the 3D Blu-ray market growing by 500% in 2011 to reach a sales status of  $214 million. With an expected 65 3D Blu-ray titles to be released in 2011 alone, 3D Blu-ray sales are expected to hit $900 million by 2014.

 “Consumers are snapping up Blu-ray 3D titles because of a number of positive occurrences in the home 3D segment,” said Richard Baxter, video research analyst at IHS. “These developments include increasing consumer awareness of 3D technology, rising 3D hardware sales and an expanding catalog of 3D films for the home environment.

“Meanwhile, the arrival of more Blu-ray 3D titles in retail stores will enhance the technology’s profile among consumers and encourage 3D hardware adoption,” he also said “BD3D-enabled households are also likely to buy more Blu-ray 3D titles if they have a larger slate to choose from.”