The Sony Google TV that was once “dragonpoint”/” target=”_self”>codenamed “Dragonpoint” is nearing its launch on October 12th where Sony and Google will be holding a press Event in New York. There, it’s expected that both companies will announce a new set of Sony Bravia TVs and Blu-ray players that will somehow incorporate Googles Android technology. So mark it in your calendar folks as the battle for your living room continues to heat up.
Home Theater
Via a software update, Bravia owners with internet capability can gain access to a new widget/app from the BBC, the iPlayer. The iPlayer will the be located in the XMB, along any other app you might have.
“The service will give users the option to watch their favourite television programmes from the last seven days, at a time that suits them from the comfort of their living room,” says Sony.
Sony went on to say:
“We are delighted to be able to offer BRAVIA customers this added entertainment functionality giving users the ability to watch and manage their favourite programmes at the click of a button,” says Christian Brown, senior category marketing manager. “We are really excited to be partnering with the BBC to bring it’s fantastic service to the 2010 BRAVIA television range.”
So there you have it folks, just check your software update section on your Bravias XMB and you will be promopted to download this. Best of all, prior to this, you needed to have a dedicated device plugged in like the PS3 or the Bravia Internet link but this update will be built right in.
The latest PlayStation update 3.5 was released today on the Playstation. This update allows the PS3 to play 3D blu-ray discs. Of course you need a 3D compatible TV and glasses to enjoy this (which I still want, no need) but at least this update is free. Sony will be remembered for being the first to bring consumers impressive 3D games. Also, the first to have a device to play both games and 3D movies with. The PS3 is now an all in one amazing, all 3D, eye popping, fun, grand experience.
This new update also brings two new features to PS3. The first is a better integration between games and Facebook. Before, the Facebook integration put an update status on your profile with new trophies you have unlocked and games you purchase on the PSN store. The second feature is for reporting inappropriate messages sent through the PSN messaging system. With being a girl gamer and primarily playing Modern Warfare, I must say I have received a few messages from random players that fall into that category. Honestly, I just want to play, have fun and not worry about players messaging me for my number or picture. I can’t help if I sound attractive online and can kick ass 😉 Has anyone been able to download the new update with a 3D TV and see this amazing feature in action? Please let us know, we’d love to hear from you.
In a crazy turn of events, the recently announced and later to be released AppleTV is actually much like the current Sony Network Media Player (SMP-N100) that you can actually go out and buy right now. Priced at $129 and similarly sized, this streaming device is meant to hook up to your television or receive and stream content via the web or from your computer. Powered by services like Netflix, Amazon Video on Demand, YouTube, Pandora and Slackers, Sony has taken a more open approach than Apple by allowing multiple providers to offer you content. With the AppleTV, you are limited to iTunes and Netflix.
But Sony isn’t limiting you to just services; with its incorporated DLNA, you can also stream content from other DLNA devices as well. This includes video, photos and music. Furthermore, you can connect USB devices like your camera, MP3 player, or external hard drive with media and play the content off of them as well. All of this is in full 1080p while the AppleTV will limit you to 720p. For those who torrent, it also plays Divx and MKV files. Also, besides the in-the-box remote, you can also download an Android/iPhone app to control this device.
For those of you who are spec-hungry, hit the jump for a breakdown of specs, support formats list and a rear shot.
On September 21st (my birthday), Sony will be releasing Playstation 3 firmware 3.5, finally giving Playstation owners the capability to play 3D movies. So far, via a firmware update, the Playstation 3 has been capable of playing 3D games and now via this update, as long as you have a 3D TV or projector, you can now play 3D blu-ray movies as well. Look for a few more features to arrive then as well but Sony is being tight-lipped about the specifics.
Designed for home use, Sony will be launching a new projector, the VPL-VW90ES this November. Based on their SXRD platform, the VPL-VW90ES gives you the latest for your living room or home theater room, packing in features like:
- 1080p
- 3D Ready (no 3D transmitter bar required)
- 240hz
- 150,000:1 contrast ratio
- 22db0 fan noise (insanely low)
Hit the jump for full press release and look for this this November, although no price point has been released yet.
For the last few months, Sony and its partners, Discovery and IMAX, have been working away at a 3D channel. This is of course different then the current offerings from ESPN who broadcasted the World Cup 2010 in 3D, as well as their upcoming coverage of the NFL in 3D. Instead, this new venture is designed to offer 3D content all the time. That means 24/7 3D for those who own able sets.
On Monday, Sony announced that Julia Rao, a former executive at Discovery Channel, will serve as chief financial officer. Mark Ringwald from the AmericanLife TV Network will be director of scheduling and acquisitions. Although to the public the following might not be too exciting, this shows that Sony is indeed serious about this new venture of theirs and that there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes to make sure the channel gets ready for its 2011 launch date.
“Julia and Mark bring extensive industry experience and incredible enthusiasm to our fast-growing 3D team,” said Tom Cosgrove, president and CEO of the joint venture. “By leveraging the unmatched strength and expertise of Sony, Discovery and IMAX, we will establish this network as a leader in 3D with the most extensive library of original and exclusive high-quality 3D content available anywhere.”
This weekend, Sony is releasing the fourth movie in the Resident Evil series, titled Resident Evil: After Life 3D. For those who have followed the series, this is a continuation of Alice’s story; expect to see cameos from Jill, Chris and Claire in the movie. For those who still need to catch up, there is a pretty good deal on the Resident Evil Trilogy on Blu-ray
. What excites me about this movie besides them being creepy and fun is that this entire film was shot in 3D. That means no post conversion; everything from the start of the cycle was filmed and planned in 3D so expect to see some amazing action sequences. Also, the film is currently sitting on a 8.7/10 on IMDB.
But if thats not enough zombie fun for you, Sony is also hosting a Dead Rising 2 event here in Los Angeles. As the Playstation Blog reports:
In addition to being able to play Dead Rising 2 prior to release we’ll have prizes, food, music, contests and more. Be sure and get there early as we’ll be giving away some cool, exclusive Greene’s Hardware t-shirts too.
What: Greene’s Hardware Super Sale (Dead Rising 2 Community Event)
Where: 2147 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026
When: Friday 8PM – 12 Midnight
Our gang is going to be there as well so expect both me and Domino to be there and we hope to catch you as well. So feel free to stop by and say hi. Also, feel free to follow us on Twitter as I’ll be Tweeting away. Hopefully I can get you guys some cool swag while I’m there.
Again for those who want to get some Resident Evil Trilogy on Blu-ray, if you guys buy it from this link, it helps our site out as well!
Update 8:04:
Just got here. Line is long as fuck. Store looks tiny…not sure how we are all fitting in.
Update 9:15:
So the place is actually much bigger then it appears. We just also had our first break dance contest of the night.
Update 10:45:
Look at all the lovely Playstation 3s
Sony has recently announced their new lineup of Blu-ray DVR recorders, as well as their new 3D Bravia series, the HX810. Based on that same lineup and technology, Sony is also introducing the 3D LED HX80R and the 3D LED EX30R. This new series grabs the same panel technology used in the HX810 lineup and combines them with a built in 500GB hard drive, as well as a full Blu-ray recorder and player, giving you a nice all in one setup. (Reminds me of my old TV/VCR combo TV).
The HX80R:
- 1080p 3D
- LED Backlight
- 500GB internal HDD
- Blu-ray Player/Recorder
- CREAS 3 Image engine
- 10Wx2 speakers
- Sizes: 40″, 46″ and 55″
The EX30R:
- HD 1366×768 (Slightly higher then 720p but not quite 1080i) 3D
- LED Backlight
- 500GB internal HDD
- Blu-ray Player/Recorder
- CREAS 3 Image engine
- 8Wx2 speakers
- Sizes: 26″ and 32″
No word on price or release date for the US.
Just like the HX810 series, these units are 3D ready, meaning you will still need a 3D transmitter ($150) and 3D glasses. I have to admit though, I hated the idea of the transmitter until I actually saw it in store. They are fairly small and unintrusive.
As I’ve pointed out in prior articles, Sony and Disney have had many partnerships together. They both decided to tackle Blu-ray and set up online and television campaigns to promote the format. From there, they each had their own respected “tent events” in major cities where they would show off the technology to the consumer and help educate them. Well recently, Sony and Marvel (a division of Disney) teamed up on the animated front and there now comes news that Sony and Disney will be teaming up on the 3D front as well.
Starting this holiday season, the only way to get Walt Disney’s mega hit, Alice in Wonderland, and their animated film, Bolt in 3D will be on a Sony. That’s because with the purchase of any 3D Sony Bravia television, you’ll receive a copy of either title. Lori MacPherson, general manager of Home Entertainment for The Walt Disney Studios said,
“We are excited to partner with Sony on 3D offerings and to offer consumers their first chance to experience one of 2010’s top 3D films and the amazing spectacle of Wonderland in their very own homes,” Lori went on, “We recognize Sony is a leader in HD hardware and we know movie lovers will enjoy the immersive content that is a part of Disney’s 3D titles.”
For the 3D campaign itself, both companies will again want to help educate both the consumer as well as retail chains to give them the proper knowledge about 3D and how it can benefit them. From there, the campaign will take form in other promotional offers, as well as television, online, social media, and print campaigns which will ramp up even further as we near the holiday season.
Although the Playstation has been capable of playing 3D games for a few months now, including Wipeout HD and Motorstorm 3D Rift which are both downloadable currently on PSN, Sony has yet to give its machine a firmware update to play 3D movies. All of this will change in October when Sony releases the needed firmware to give the PS3 3D movie playback via Blu-ray. In the meantime, Sony has released some 3D movies like Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and Monster House. Expect the floodgates to open during this Holiday season with titles like Michael Jackson: This is It, Alice in Wonderland and of course Avatar. Till then, Sony is giving you the chance to experience 3D in other ways too.
Sony products tend to be more expensive then their counterpart, Samsung and many assume it’s because it’s Sony. Think of it like a Sony tax. However, that usually tends to not be the case and because of actually superior parts and technology that get missed in the blog world and don’t think for a second the 17 year old kid at Best Buy is going to tell you. In this new ad, Sony tells you why you should stick with their 3D TV and it makes great sense.
Sony announced yesterday that they are currently working on going glasses free 3D TV for their Bravia lineup of televisions. An announcement that is very exciting for 3D loving people that hate the glasses. This puts Sony in competition with Toshiba on who will create the first 3DTV that requires no headgear. Currently, it doesn’t seem that consumers are adapting to the new 3D technology in their living rooms in high numbers. I believe a higher cost and expensive glasses ($130-$250 each) could be factors for this. Many (including myself) don’t enjoy wearing the 3D glasses for long periods of time. I would love to be able to play Killzone 3 in 3D without glasses and the strain it puts on my eyes.
For Sony or Toshiba to create 3DTVs without glasses, it requires the users head movements to be monitored and through the process based on autosterescopic 3D technology which is costly. Yoshihisa Ishida, Sony’s SVP said:
“Seeing 3D without glasses is more convenient. . . We must take account of pricing before we think about when to start offering them.”
Pricing and release dates are uncertain but we’ll have to stay tuned to see if a concept can be done and shown at CES next year.
Can’t say I saw this coming but Sony has announced 6 new DVRs for that will launch on September 25th in Japan and the rest of the world on October 22nd. Having last seen a true DVR for Sony years ago, this new series from has the latest technology you can think of. Five out of the six units will come with a dual tuner (meaning you can record two shows at once) and the hard drive sizes range from a 320GB to a 2TB unit. But in case you still need room to record or would like to burn your content for viewing later, all of these units can read/write to a BDXL drive. A Blu-ray Extra Large is a new size blu-ray disc that can store 100GB on each disc, verse the traditional 25GB and 50GB blu-ray disc. As we states in the head line as well, these units will indeed be able to record and transmit back 3D via the hard drive or blu-ray disc. Oh and to top it all off, these units will be able to boot from sleep mode to fully operational in .5 seconds.
Hit the jump for a list of model numbers with hard drive sizes and some additional pictures:
[Via Sony Japan]
Meet the new Bravia HX810 series. Not sure if they will be here along the HX800 series that was introduced during Spring and on sale now or a straight replacement, but you will be able to find these units on store shelves starting next month, just in time for Futball…Football season!
Just like the HX800, these units will also come with full 1080p Edge Lit, Motionflow Pro 240Hz and built in WiFi for widgets and streaming of content (photos & music). Only difference is that this series comes with built in 3D. Unlike the HX800 that needed a 3D transmitter bar (all be it a small unit), the HX810 series will be the new starting lineup from Sony that come with built in 3D. Just to wet your appetite even further, Sony will give you two free 3D Blu-ray movies and a voucher for a free 3D PSN game. Just note that the HX810 does not come with 3D glasses like some of the higher end series from Sony so you will still need to purchase those.
I’ve talked with Sony and it seems like the HX810 will indeed be replacing the HX800. Also, you will still need the 3D transmitter bar in order to have them broadcast in 3D ($149). So what you are really getting is a lower cost version with some free 3D goodies.
Hit the jump for sizes and price
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