Home Theater

Sony Gives You Some Cheap 3D Content via PS3

During their now normal Tuesday update, Sony will be bringing Motorstorm 3D Rift to the Playstation Network for $9.99. Giving users 10 levels and multiple vehicles to choose from, Motorstorm rift is meant to wet the appetite of those who own 3D TVs and show them what future 3D gaming will look like. Of course, this game is also presented in 2D as well and how all the normal supports a game would like Trophies. This is a welcome move on Sony to first give 3D users content and not make them face a drought, now that they have purchased a 3D set. Second, Sony knows that 2D users and 3D users are the same. There is no reason to charge extra for 3D content or to make multiple versions of the same game. By giving users both the 2D and 3D version of the game, this will allow the adoption of 3D to be faster and more friendly for the consumer.

Sony to release The Secret in Their Eyes on Blu-ray

The Argentinean psychological thriller, directed by Juan José Campanella, was the surprise winner of the 2010 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, defeating the favorites A Prophet and The White Ribbon. With that, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has announced a September 21st release for this award winning film. I do have to admit that something like this isn’t really my cup of tea as it lacks a few degrees of Michael Bay, but I cannot deny the fans out there the news. Plus, blu-ray is the best way you are going to experience this movie.

A trailer for the film:

Sony Gives Japan Slimmest Blu-ray Player Yet

Man, what is it with Sony and Japan getting things first? I really don’t understand the equation. In early September, Sony will be introducing the BDP-S370, a new Blu-ray player that measures only 36mm high and will be a whopping 50% faster then the previous model. Besides the usual suspects like 7.1 surround sound support and DVD upscaling, the BDP-S370 also supports MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4-AVC, VC1, WMV, AVCHD and LPCM, MP3, AAC, WMA either stored on a DVD/CD or on a USB key for video playback to make sure you have plenty of content to consume. Sony will also be introducing an iPhone and Android remote app so you don’t have to reach as far as the table to change a setting. Look for a price tag of 25,000 yen ($290) when this unit hits. If this is also any indication of how Sony operates, expect this unit in the States hopefully by late winter or early spring for probably half the price.

Monster House 3D Blu-ray Announced

If you recently have purchased a 3D TV, you know that outside of the World Cup 2010, content has been scarce. Well Sony is looking to change that up with on September 14th with a 3D Blu-ray release of Monster House. Best of all (a fantastic decision on Sonys end), this edition holds both the 2D and 3D version of the film in full 1080p glory.

Special features include:

  • Filmmakers’ Commentary
  • Featurettes:
    • Imaginary Heroes
    • Beginner’s Luck
    • The Best of Friends
    • Lots of Dots
    • Black Box Theater
    • Making it Real
    • Did You Hear That
    • Evolution of a Scene: Eliza vs. Nebbercracker
  • Photo Gallery
  • 3D Sneak peeks:
    • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
    • Open Season

[Via Blu-ray.com]

Sony Profits Boost High Last Quarter

Sony profits are rising and came to $294 million net profit for the April-June quarter. Revenue for Sony grew 3.8%. This was mostly because of rising TV and Playstation sales internationally. In this last quarter alone, Sony sold 5.1 million LCD TVs which is 59% higher than last  year’s numbers.  PS3 sales more than doubled (yay) and sold 2.4 million units. Along with these rising sales, music sales also rose with music from the hit show “Glee” and “Iron Man 2” soundtrack.  At Sony’s briefing for analysis, Sony’s new Chief Financial Officer Masaru Kato said:

 “We do have good products and good momentum, and we want to build on this so that our business keeps improving.” 

I’m glad to see a stronger demand for the PS3 because it really “does everything” and is a must own for optimal gaming and blu-ray viewing. With Sony releasing new products like their 3D TVs, Playstation Plus and pairing up with Google Inc. and Logitech International to offer internet on their TVs I think (and hope) sales continue to rise for Sony.

Sony Launches New SACD Player, The SCD-XE800

For those who are audiophiles, 1999 was a fantastic year. This is when Sony and Phillips decided to launch a new format called Super Audio CD. The promise of these discs was superior audio, having the capability to be in true surround sound (not just the same audio cue coming from all of your speakers). To this date, a little over 6000 SACDs exist but the format never really caught on with the main stream consumers.

Therefore, it comes to me as a surprise that Sony has released a new SACD player, the SCD-XE800. Priced at $430 for an August 21st release in Japan, this unit is meant as an entry-level SACD player. Buyers can expect a frequency response of 2Hz〜40kHz (SACD)/2Hz〜20kHz (CD) and a dynamic range of over 100dB (SACD)/96dB (CD). As always, these units will also read the traditional CD as well. If I was a user of SACD, I’d be happy that Sony is still supporting this format but as a person who is interested in the bottom line of Sony, I’m not sure I like the move. Why would Sony invest the money and resources to create, ship and sell a format that more or less is dead? They can indeed take the same money and invest it in its core areas that Sony really needs to fight off its competitors with. This comes to a larger problem with Sony that it offers so many different products for different segment markets when in reality, it needs less product lines and more sales per product line. No word yet if this unit will make it out of Japan.

[Sales fact via Wikipedia]

Sony Adds 3D Firmware Update To NEX-3 and NEX-5

I wont beat around the bush when I say that I think the NEX series from Sony is the greatest thing to happen to camera’s since they have gone digital. I’ve extensively used the Alpha 300 from Sony and fell in love with the quality of that unit (albeit, the first ones were kind of loud, something that has been addressed since). But the CyberShot is where it all began for me. I’ve had the CyberShot series since they first came out. I remembering shopping with my dad at Best Buy at the time and there were choices of 1, 2 and 3MP Cybershots. We of course decided to go with the 2MP because I didnt want the lower end of the series, but 3 just seemed like overkill. This was around 2000 or 2001. Since then, I’ve mainly stuck with the T series, T1, T3, T99, T500 and sorts, and have crossed to the W series a few times with the W330 and W230 to name a few. But ever since I used the Alpha 300 a good 3 years ago, I knew what I was missing out on. The great battle of DSRL verse Point and Shoot. Sure I want the quality of the DSRL, but I’m the person who takes my camera with me everywhere. Taking a DSRL is just not convenient and I don’t wanna be that guy. Having said that, there are times that I would love to take a DSRL and do a photo shoot (something that I have planned for the site).

With this, Sony has really answered my prayers with the NEX series. Giving me the ability to be compact when I need to be and go full out by attaching additional lenses, this makes the NEX the only camera body I might ever need. Well for those of use who are on board with the 3D ride, Sony is now updating the NEX series to support 3D Sweep Panorama pictures. Sony has stated that the 3D mode is “activated simply by pressing the shutter button and sweeping the camera from one side to the other. The NEX-5 and NEX-3 shoot a high-speed burst of frames that are automatically combined inside the camera to create a seamless panoramic still image containing depth information.”

Other things this firmware update addresses is

  • Improved 2D Sweep Panorama mode
  • Better battery usage when the camera is turned off
  • Faster startup when under low-light conditions.

If you’re ready for the update, go ahead and visit the Sony Cybershot site to download the needed update. If you’re not sure which firmware your camera currently has, hit up “menu,” then “setup,” then “version” on your camera now.

Sony Finally Releases 3D Glasses

As Sony continues to gear up its 3D arsenal with 3D movies and its 3D TVs and players, it’s finally taken the final step to bring all of these equipment in harmony by releasing the 3D glasses required to make all of this work. Currently, the Sony LX900 series television is the only one of the series that comes with a 3D glasses and chances are, you will want more for around the house. Priced at $150, these units currently come in black for adult and blue and pink for children (also $150).

Hit the jump for a look at the children’s 3D glasses.

[Via Sony]

Sony Announces New Spider-Man Actor

Well, there you have it folks. Sony has announced that 26-year-old British actor Andrew Garfield will be playing Peter Parker in the new Spider-Man trilogy that “peter-parker-told-differently/” target=”_self”>Marc Web will be directing in 3D. Andrews credits include Boy A, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and The Social Network, and I’ve yet to see any of these movies (of course, “The Social Network” is not out yet). But I’m a little stumped by this. First, he doesn’t come off as “Spider-Man” to me but until I actually see him, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. No reason to blast the poor guy before I have something to judge him off of. But what really surprises me is how old he is. Marc Web and Sony wanted to gear this new Spider-Man trilogy when Peter was in High School. Andrew Garfield age-wise is way too old for that. Especially if you consider the fact that he is signed on for 3 films. Granted older actors play younger roles all the time, so again I’ll hold judgement on that but It just dosent seem to fit the idea they were going for.

[Via ComingSoon]

How Sony Can Make Blu-ray 3D Work And Draw The Consumer In

We’re on the brink of a new way of enjoying our entertainment and it’s coming fast. After Avatar, it seems like 3D is everywhere. From big Hollywood movies, to the Playstation and Nintendo 3DS, as well as the largest sport event in the world, the World Cup, most everything is in 3D. Slowly more sets are coming to the market as well with Sony, LG, Panasonic and Samsung now releasing sets. Of course, owning a 3D set is completely worthless if there is no content to view and that’s one thing Sony can take advantage of.

First, we have to remember that Sony is really in the best position for this shift. They not only are a movie studio that makes 3D movies, but also supply studios with their camera equipment that are 3D as well. Sony commands respect in the television world with their Bravia series and let’s not forget the 35+ million PS3 units that will be 3D ready with just a firmware update. This means that Sony has access to just about every level that 3D can touch.

In order for the consumer to be willing to turn to 3D, besides the obvious eventual lowering of prices, they need to see content that’s compelling for sets. Sony is already doing a good job with 3D when it comes to the Playstation 3. It’s updating some back catalogue games with free 3D firmware, as well as making sure future blockbuster games, like its Grand Turismo 5 and Killzone 3, will be released in 3D, on the same disc. This is crucial because while the set (the television and equipment) might be made up of premium devices right now, Sony has to make sure that the content is not. So if I purchase “Killzone 3,” I should be able to play it on my 3D TV at home, but take the same disc to a friend’s house and play it on their non-3D tv and should have paid the same price for the game. So far, they are doing this and I applaud them for that.

Sony, though, has to make sure the same is true for their Blu-ray catalogue. If I purchase a Blu-ray movie, both the 2D and 3D version should be on the same disc. The reason for this is if the content is more premium, that will just hold off consumers. People might already not see the worth in paying more for a Blu-ray version vs a DVD version of a movie. If a third tier is created with DVD < Blu-ray < Blu-ray 3D and even a higher entry prices than created, that will make people less likely to want to jump onboard. Also, for the same reason I stated for the PS3, I should be able to take the same disc anywhere I please and not have it limited to just 3D sets. For instance, whats more likely: multiple HDTVs with Blu-ray in the house or multiple 3D TVs in the house? Also, if a consumer knows that the Blu-ray movies they buy now have 3D, this will make the jump to 3D much easier for them in the future. I myself currently dont have a 3D TV, but my Blu-ray collection sits at 197 discs. If I continue to buy movies and by year’s end, 25 of them are 3D, I will much more likely be willing to buy a 3D set as opposed to purchasing a 3D set  and now having to rebuy the same movies just to have them on 3D.

So while I believe Sony is on the right track, they need to take a very aggressive stand with 3D and make it a very easy transition for those who want to come in. For those who are not yet ready, they need to supply the content capable of compelling them to join in the near future.

Sony Releases Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs On Blu-ray 3D

I would love to give my own view and review on “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” but I do not have a 3D TV yet. One day, that LX900 will be mine, but until then I don’t have the $5,00o to spend and I won’t get anything but that TV. But the guys over at Blu-ray.com have had a chance to review “Cloudy” and it is guaranteed to sell to pretty much anyone who has bought a 3D Blu-ray system over the past few months as well as to those who are only now jumping into the fray with Sony’s own line of Bravia 3D HDTVs. So go ahead and hit them up for a full review on this awesome 3D movie.

Sony Designs New Surround Sound Bar Around PS3

Available this fall for $199, the Sony CECH-ZVS1 is a new Surround Sound Bar with a built in subwoofer , designed to enjoy immersive audio on the PlayStation®3 system, including upcoming games supporting PlayStation®Move motion controllers, Blu-ray movies, as well as stereoscopic 3D content. The idea is to give anybody, while also targeting PS3 owners, the capability to enjoy better sound while watching movies and playing games with a stylish and simple setup. For the price, this is especially of great appeal to the younger generation (again, those who own a PS3 and their own place and setup) but don’t have the room or money for a full blown surround sound setup. I have to say, I’m looking to get a Sony 52″ EX700 for my bedroom and this might not be a bad solution, pending the quality of the sound vs the EX700 speakers. Can’t wait until fall to find out.

Hit the jump for the official press release.

Sony Airs New 3D Commercial Ad

What do you guys think? New 3D ad from Sony for their new lineup of 3D TVs.

Sony Opens 3D Television Site

Nothing really crazy here, but for those who want to just jump to the 3D television part of the Sony site, go ahead and click here. Otherwise, if you want to read about them without an overflow of pictures and graphs, read our Sony 3D television spec and price article and our Bravia Guide to help you choose the Sony 3D TV that is right for you.

Men In Black 3D Teaser

We have been reporting plenty about Men In Black 3D; first about getting the cast back together and then setting a release date. Now, we have a little teaser from Will Smith himself and I have to say that I totally believe Big Willy.