The PlayStation Blog recently revealed the list of PlayStation Store Top Sellers for February. Strider led the way for PlayStation 4 while Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition continued to dominate for the PlayStation 3. The PlayStation Vita saw Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z take the top spot with Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (see our recent review here) taking 6th place. Keep reading to see the entire list!

Image courtesy of Naughty Dog
When word broke earlier this week that Amy Hennig, the creative force behind Naughty Dog’s award-winning Uncharted francise, would be leaving the studio she’d worked at for over ten years, many people were saddened. What puzzled even more of us was the rumors that she had been ‘forced out’ of her role and her job, specifically by the directorial team behind The Last of Us. While Hennig herself has not commented on the circumstances of her exit, the co-presidents of Naughty Dog, and Sony’s VP of Software Product Development, have spoken up in hopes of quelling the rampant speculation.
Jack Tretton, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America and one of the division’s earliest executives when it was founded in 1995, is stepping down at the end of March, according to a press release from Sony Computer Entertainment International. Tretton, who has been the face of PlayStation in North America, and worked at PlayStation through all of the company’s console launches up to and including last year’s record-breaking launch of the PlayStation 4, will serve his last day on March 31. His replacement, Shawn Layden, will assume Tretton’s responsibilities on April 1. Layden currently serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Office of Sony Network Entertainment International, which encompasses the PlayStation Network, Music Unlimited, and Video Unlimited services.
According to a report from IGN, Amy Hennig, the creative director and writer of the Uncharted series, has left Naughty Dog. Hennig, who joined Naughty Dog during the Jak & Daxter series on PlayStation 2 and just celebrated her 10th anniversary with the studio, was the driving force behind Nathan Drake’s adventures on the PlayStation 3, serving as writer for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Hennig’s role as writer and creative director had continued through the development of the latest Uncharted games, which was announced for PlayStation 4 in November.
Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for March, 4 2014. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 receives two new games this week in Awesomenauts Assemble! and Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (Free for PS Plus Members).
As we reported yesterday, the Spring Fever promotion returns to the PlayStation Store this month and is focused on indie titles. New indie titles for all platforms will be released weekly and at a discount for PlayStation Plus Members. This week the PlayStation 3’s indie title is Master Reboot and users will also be able to buy the highly anticipated South Park: The Stick of Truth. Episode 2 of The Walking Dead: Season 2 is also available for download on the PlayStation 3 today.
Finally, PlayStation Plus users will be receiving Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (PS4) and Tomb Raider (PS3) for free along with many discounts on several games. Keep reading to see a complete list of content available on the PlayStation Store this week!
Sony has proven itself once again in design terms, with no less than 26 of its products earning the seal of approval from the iF Design group, with three products earning a gold award. In individual company achievements, Sony ranked the third highest awarded company, ahead of rivals Apple and LG.
iF is an international group that recognises excellence in product design. It is their aim to “strengthen public awareness of design” and their logo has been an illustrious global standard of design for over sixty years. This year’s event took place on February 28th in Munich, Germany.
It probably surprises few that Sony would do well with awards for design. The company has always raised the bar with iconic and effortless designs with current class-leaders in the Xperia Z2, the PlayStation 4 and the luxury X9000A Bravia TV line to name but a few.
Read on to find out which Sony products earned gold and which two awards come at a bittersweet time.
As we recently reported, PlayStation 4 was launched in its home country of Japan 12 days ago. Sony has announced that this launch was a success with the total cumulative sales of the PlayStation 4 crossing the 6 million mark. The news broke earlier today on the PlayStation Blog as John Koller, VP of Marketing for SCEA, wrote a post detailing the milestone.
Are you ready for some great prices on PlayStation games? Luckily the PlayStation Blog has announced the return of their Spring Fever promotion for the month of March. This promotion features great sales and focuses on several new indie titles for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
Every week this month will feature two new indie titles at discounted prices for PlayStation Plus members. A few of the featured titles include: Awesomenauts Assemble (PS4) Fez (PS3, PS4, PS Vita Cross-Buy), and TowerFall Ascension (PS4). There will also be several sales featuring popular video game franchises. Finally, there will be several sales on movies and television shows as well.
Keep reading to see a full preview!
Are you ready for more information about free games? If so, you are in luck because the PlayStation Blog has announced all of the free games that North American PlayStation Plus users will be able to download during March.
PlayStation 4 owners will soon be able to enjoy one of the best twin stick shooters to come out for the PlayStation 3 as Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition will be coming for free in March. This edition comes with enhanced visuals and new features taking advantage of the PlayStation 4 Share button. PlayStation 3 users will receive Tomb Raider while the PlayStation Vita will receive both Unit 13 and Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite.
Sony has not announced which week subscribers will be receiving the games, but as always you can expect to receive at least one new release on a weekly basis.
Keep reading to see a full list of free games available this month!
One of the biggest surprises during the last gen era was the announcement of The Last of Us from Naughty Dog. Till that point, Naughty Dog had managed to release one Uncharted game nearly every two years. With the announcement and release of The Last of Us, all that changed as it marked a shift for the studio which had managed to just release Uncharted 3 the year before. Soon after, we learned that a few years prior, Naughty Dog had crafted a second team which was quietly working away on the new IP. Can the same be expected from Sucker Punch, the developers of inFamous?
Despite the recent surge in interest in PlayStation, thanks to the very successful launch of the PS4, Sony as a company is still facing many challenges due to heavy competition from Apple and Samsung. During the past few years, under new CEO Kaz Hirai, Sony has begun to shut down plants, sell off assets and reduce headcount in order to save some much needed money. A little over a year ago, Sony reduced its workforce by 10,000 employees, and since then, the company has continued to cut staff where it sees fit. While for gamers many of these troubles seemed distant, the most recent layoffs have hit closer to home. Even worse is that more cuts are expected as Sony continues to fix its financial woes.
Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for February 25, 2014. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. The highly anticipated Thief comes to both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 today. The PlayStation 3 also gets both Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles today.
As we reported yesterday there are two major sales hitting the store today. The first sale is the “Back to 2013” sale which features several great titles from last year at a deep discount. The second sale is in celebration of the Vita’s second birthday and discounts several Vita titles.
Finally, PlayStation Plus users will be receiving ModNation Racers Roadtrip (PS Vita) for free along with many discounts on several games. Keep reading to see a complete list of content available on the PlayStation Store this week!
Are you ready for some great prices on PlayStation games? Luckily the PlayStation Blog has announced two new sales coming to the PlayStation Store tomorrow.
The first sale is entitled “Back to 2013” and features some of the great games that came out last year that you may have missed. Some of the discounts are pretty deep including: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch for $9.99 ($6.99 for PS Plus members), Diablo 3 for $39.99 ($35.99 for PS Plus members), and Super Motherload (Cross Buy) for $7.49 ($3.75 for PS Plus members).
The second sale celebrates the PS Vita’s second birthday with a “PS Vita Anniversary Sale” and consists of a ton of great Vita titles. A few examples of the sales include: Proteus (Cross Buy) for $6.99 ($4.19 for PS Plus members), Hotline Miami (Cross Buy) for $4.99 ($2.50 for PS Plus members), and Killzone Mercenary for $24.99 ($17.49 for PS Plus members).
Keep reading to see a full preview of both sales!
As of February 22, 2014 Sony has brought the PlayStation 4 to its home country of Japan. The console launches for 39,980 yen or 43,980 yen with a the PlayStation Camera bundled with the system. Interestingly, the PlayStation 4 launch title Knack is also bundled with all systems in Japan. There are also several region specific game releases accompanying the launch including: Yakuza Ishin, Nobunga’s Ambition: Creation, and Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends. Keep reading to see more of our thoughts on the launch of the PlayStation 4.
inFamous: Second Son, the third installment from PlayStation exclusive developers Sucker Punch was originally set to launch along side the PS4. Shown off with the console during its Spring 2013 debut and later shown to gamers at E3 2013, inFamous offers the quintessential experience we’d like from a next gen game. Beautiful and vivid graphics, mixed with a dazzling and fast paced gameplay made it seem like the must own launch title every console craves. Sooner after E3, it was revealed that the game would not make its November debut and instead be pushed back till mid Spring in order to give Sucker Punch more time to polish the game which I’m perfectly ok with. I’d rather developers delay a game and deliver an experience worth playing intend of trying to win a race against the clock and delivering whatever it is that’s done by then.
Does this mean that inFamous: Second Son is just a more visually enhanced version of past inFamous titles? Not at all it seems with the developers heavily investing time at creating a more intuitive AI. Sucker Punch explains.
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