One of the most talked about games that will launch along side the other 21 launch day titles for the PlayStation 4 is Killzone: Shadow Fall. Set 30 years after the events of Killzone 3, Shadow Fall takes players on a journey set on Earth, long after the threat of the Helghans. With the game having gone gold last week, we’ve begun to hear more details about what it took to bring such a massive game, running at 1080p to the PS4. Lead designer Eric Boltjes talks about the game engine:
The engine is still the same. But we had to redo a lot of it. It’s a different architecture so a lot had to be re-written. A lot of the pipeline for production is still the same. Now it’s x4, x8, because everything has to be higher resolution, has to have more details, more loading, more texture mapping. It’s a lot more work to get the production done in that sense.
More impressive than the games visuals may be the AI and the number Guerrilla Games was able to fit on screen at any given time.
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