
PlayStation 4 Eye May Not Be Bundled – Rumor

When the PlayStation 4 was announced in February, the only hardware that Sony revealed was the brand-new DualShock 4 and the PlayStation 4 Eye camera. Since then, the controller has seen much more focus, including the introductory video above, while we’ve been left to wonder just how the new Eye will be packaged, whether it will be included as part of the whole PS4 console or sold separately as the Eye Toy and PlayStation Eye were for the PS2 and PS3 respectively.

Well, leave it to the eagle-eyed posters on NeoGAF to give us our first hints at how we’ll be getting ahold of this brand new motion sensing camera. NeoGAF poster Tieman was watching the same video and spotted this:

The Last of Us Demo Now Available – If You Own God of War: Ascension


If you happen to have a copy of God of War: Ascension (and you probably do), today’s the day you’ve been waiting for: The Last of Us demo is now available. There is no word on whether the demo, which features Joel, Ellie, and a lot of Infected, will be available in the future for those who haven’t purchased the latest adventures of Kratos.

Sony CEO on Possible Entertainment Sale, Xperia Z, PS4


Kazuo Hirai, president and CEO of Sony, sat down with Jon Fortt of CNBC’s “Closing Bell” at the AllThingsD Digital Conference yesterday to address rumors that the company was “looking a spinoff 15 to 20%”  of their Entertainment division, including Sony Pictures and Sony Music.

SEN and PlayStation Network Web Store Launch in Japan Today

SEN and PlayStation Network Web Portal

While it’s traditionally Japan, Sony’s home turf, that gets things first, this time around, it’s been the West that’s enjoyed the earlier arrival date. Five months ago, Sony launched SEN (Sony Entertainment Network) and the PlayStation Store in one web portal which encompasses music, movies, and games. The idea is to begin expanding beyond ownership of content for singular devices. Purchased content from the store can then be redownloaded and accesses by different devices like the PS3, PS Vita, and their mobile fleet of tablets and smartphones. The web portal is also designed to make purchasing and discovery of content easier by allowing users to purchase their media of choice when away from say the PS3 and then simply visiting the download center on the game console to start the download process once home. In fact, come PS4 time, Sony will be expanding this web portal to iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android via a native app which will make discovery of content a breeze. Even better is that the PS4 will automatically begin the downloading of your purchased content, reducing the time between your purchase and enjoyment of the content.

Sony Talks Augmented Reality and Its Potential (video)

Augmented Reality Promo Video

Sony is no stranger to augmented reality. Before Kinect for Xbox 360 became a household name, Sony had the PlayStation EyeToy for the PlayStation 2 which allowed gamers to interact with their game environment. Sony would then follow up with the PlayStation Eye for the PS3 with similar, but improved features that once again allow for you to be in your game with games like Eye of Judgement and Kung Fu Live. With the advent of the PlayStation Vita, Sony would take this one step further by utilizing the Vita’s built in camera which allows for a more immersive and personal experience. With the Vita, onscreen characters can now interact in your world.

Editorial: Why the PS4 is 50% More Powerful Than Xbox One

Featured PS4 vs Xbox One

It’s pretty obvious by now that the Xbox One reveal was anything but good for Microsoft. I’ll leave my critique of the event, both positive and negative, for another article but as it stands right now, pre E3, gamers and press are simply not impressed. After the lack of clear focus on gaming, more damming news came out about the potential, or lack thereof, for the Xbox One. Thanks to developer knowledge and architecture breakdown of the new Xbox, it’s now widely believed that the PS4 will be 50% more powerful than the Xbox One. So how have we come to this 50% in performance difference between the two machines? After the jump, we discuss the math.

Final Fantasy X-2 HD Screenshots

Final Fantasy X2 HD_13

As far as I’m concerned, Final Fantasy X was the last great RPG Square Enix made. While Final Fantasy X-2 wasn’t quite as captivating, being in that world was enough for me to enjoy myself. Now sadly, FFX12 came out at a busy time in my life and I was never able to get far in the game and soon the PS3 train took over. Equally, to this day, I adore Final Fantasy 11 though I don’t consider that part of the main FF canon. Having said that, I think FF13 is one of the most atrocious RPG’s I’ve ever played though I had to finish the game because it had the words Final Fantasy in the title. So you can imagine my excitement when Square Enix announced Final Fantasy X HD for the PS3 and PS Vita, only to top it by revealing the same fate for Final Fantasy X-2.

It still remains unclear if purchasing Final Fantasy X for the PS3 will get you a PS Vita version though that is looking less and less likely. We do know for a fact though that Final Fantasy X-2 will be bundled with the Final Fantasy X HD remastering for PS3 and that it will be a separate purchase on the PS Vita. After the jump, a Final Fantasy X-2 HD screenshot gallery awaits you.

Sony Continues to Out Blitz Microsoft With PS4, Teases Design Reveal (Gallery & Video)

PS4 Teaser Reveal Video

There is little doubt about the PlayStation 3 as a superior gaming console, both in terms of quality and power. While Sony was hard at work creating a mean gaming and multimedia machine, unfortunately the rest of the company didn’t get the memo. There is little doubt in Sony’s lack of proper marketing for the console and its challenges with embracing online gaming. Sony promised that things would be different and this time around, they did right by their words. When the PlayStation Vita was announced, it was hailed and championed by gamers and developers alike. A fresh UI and all the power you could want. Yes the PlayStation Vita has not done the sales that it should and can still do but the fact is that Sony’s tempo was different this time around. Now, on the verge of Microsoft’s next Xbox console, Sony continues to show signs of a new life and energy behind the long time console maker.

The PlayStation 4 was announced on February 20th to much fanfare. Unlike past console reveals where the latest PlayStation was shown off in Japan with many Japanese devs backing the console, this time around, the PS4 was shown off in the US. While there were your traditional Japanese developers like Capcom and Square Enix, the main focus of the event was games developed by Western companies like Activision, Blizzard, Bungie, Sucker Punch, and Guerrilla Games to name a few. While the console itself was not shown during the event, it became evident early on that, this time around, Sony had gone to developers and asked them what they wanted in a next gen console. In iterations prior, Sony and other console makers have created new hardware with a top down approach.

To many gamers’ and media vets’ surprise, there was little leaked about the event and there continues to be little information about the PS4 until Sony releases it. This by itself is a huge change of pace for Sony whose products tend to be revealed in advance thanks to leaks. For Sony, this has proved to be a powerful asset as they can control the excitement around the PS4. In fact, for many months, prior to the PS4 reveal, many high level Sony execs had gone on record about no new console in sight, leading many to believe that the PS4 might not debut till 2014. Some have even suggested that these comments were more directed towards Microsoft and the reason why MS has had nothing to announce about their next generation console till weeks before E3.

Editorial: Multiplayer Trophy Hell

Featured Editorial Multiplayer Trophy Hell

I have an affinity for trophy hunting. I will spend countless hours with a game trying to collect all the secrets, kill certain bad guys a certain way, and do a something while doing another something so that I can get all the trophies, and maybe get that oh so shiny Platinum. I’ll also be the first one to admit that I sometimes suck at video games. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but my controller-hand-eye coordination is not always the best. You certainly won’t catch me playing Call of Duty online with a remotely acceptable K/D ratio.

Second ‘The Last of Us’ TV Ad Airs

The Last Of Us TV Ad 2

In just about a month’s time, Sony’s latest AAA title, The Last of Us, from the creators of Uncharted, is set to ship. To help kick things off, a second television ad has just hit the airwaves during the NBA playoffs, resulting in millions of people catching a glimpse of the Naughty Dog title. Fans will note that the latest PS3 exclusive title was delayed by a few months in order to allow for more polish and development on the game, something I highly value and appreciate. This also means that The Last of Us will hit store shelves on June 14th, traditionally when game droughts take place. Hopefully this delay will also pay off for Sony and Naughty as games released in fall and spring face much more competition which can hurt sales. This also means that gamers will now have one more title to play during summer, instead of just replaying through old games. After the jump, the latest 30 second TV spot awaits you.

PS3 Manufacturing Moves to Brazil, Is a Price Drop Around the Corner?

Sony PS3 Brazil

On the PlayStation Blog, Sony has announced that production of the PlayStation 3 will soon begin in Brazil. For some time now, the PS3 has been produced in Japan, China, and Taiwan, resulting in the units being shipped to Western countries. The consoles will be manufactured in Manaus by Sony Brasil Ltda., with the 250 GB version costing $1,099 Reals ($549.36). Despite a seemingly high price for US consumers, this does mark a price drop for the console through official sales channel though many have pointed out that you can get the console by other means in the country for 899 Reals. 

PlayStation Pulse Headset – Elite Edition Unboxing

PlayStation Pulse Instagram

If you love gaming but have found yourself in situations where your audio has intruded upon those around you, then the PlayStation Pulse headset is your savior. Compatible with the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, the Pulse wireless stereo headset gives gamers everything they could want from a headset that features comfortable design, BassImpact for extra…well bass and a built in noise canceling microphone to satisfy the commander in you while gaming online. Unlike previous headsets from Sony and competitors that feature a retractible mic, the Pulse mic is built into the unit, giving it a sleeker design while housing one less external part that can break. Thanks to three sliding switches on the headset, you can also control the incoming volume, mic level, and bass. A quick mute button is also available, making it easy for you to converse with those around you without bugging your teammates.

Other benefits from the Pulse headset include on-screen headset updates like battery level and other related information that will appear right on your screen. Sony has also provided a mode functionality button that, when pressed, allows you to select between different audio presets, designed for general gaming, shooters, racing, movies, music, and more. Maybe best of all, for those who simply cannot afford a extensive surround sound setup or for the time when you want to continue to game without waking others in the household, the PlayStation Pulse includes virtual 7.1 surround sound. This lets you hear every audio cue that sound engineers put into the game. The 7.1 surround sound can also be a savior for hardcore gamers, by alerting them to sound from enemies that might be creeping from behind.

PS4 Share Button Will Not Function All the Time

PS4 Dualshock 4 Share

One of the staples of the PlayStation 4 will be the new ‘Share’ button, found on the new DualShock 4 controller. The new button is designed to give gamers more social features like posting to Twitter and Facebook, and uploading video gameplay directly to YouTube. With the explosion of social media and gameplay streaming on sites like and uStream (which is the service Sony will be using), it came off as a no brainer for Sony to make the PS4 more social from its core up. As a gamer himself, Shuhei Yoshida, Sony’s Worldwide Studios President spoke about the importance of the ‘share’ feature:

 I wanted to play Dark Souls all day long, but I couldn’t do that because I was too busy. So instead I would watch people playing it live on Niconico (a popular Japanese video sharing site) whenever I had some spare time 

However, it now seems that there might be one large caveat with it.

Editorial: A Budding Love For PSN


For those of you who read my last editorial, this next one might seem a bit confusing. And while yes, I certainly do think the Playstation Store loading time is WAAAAAYYYYYYYY TOOOOOOO LLOONNNGGGGGGGG, what lies behind the spinning circle of loading time agony is a poorly-organized gold mine. The Playstation Store has a plethora of various exclusive titles that are available to download, and as I have very recently begun to get over my aversion to digital games, I have found some amazing ones that I’ve loved playing.

I am a gamer and also a collector, so purchasing a game digitally is not my first choice. I also don’t particularly like the idea of spending 60.00 on downloading a newly-released game when for the exact same price I can get a disc, and the case for my display wall, and probably a steelbook or DLC or pre-order bonus. However, the budding love I have for PSN comes from the strictly digital PSN games, and there are a couple reasons why my love is growing.

1. They are unique

Games like Journey or The Unfinished Swan are not just games; they’re experiences. There’s something special about them that wouldn’t quite work the same if it needed to be “worth” what a full-priced title is. The shorter play time, or lack of multiplayer, or simplicity of design in these is something only successful through a platform like PSN. Something like The Walking Dead game came out episodically – again, something that only could succeed through the digital world, and an approach that drew you in and left you wanting more. And while games like Rainbow Moon or Dragon Fantasy Book 1 are not necessarily unique in a historical sense, they are unique in today’s market. Old school RPG style games are not common anymore, and still having a source to play new iterations of this theme is refreshing.


Amazon Updates LoveFilm for PlayStation 3 with HD Streaming

LoveFilm PS3 2013 UI

Amazon has just rolled out an update for LoveFilm (think Netflix for Europe) for the PlayStation 3 in Germany and the UK. The latest update brings a few new features and a UI makeover for better tracking the content you care about. Think Amazon Prime for the PS3 with a slightly different skin. Other new features include:

  • Improved search engine
  • Improved recommendations
  • New Watchlist feature

The biggest addition however is the ability to finally be able to stream movies and TV shows in HD, bringing the app to the 21st century. Those of us who are rooting for 4K are a bit screwed at this point if major providers are still switching to HD services.