PlayStation 4

Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet Gains PS4 Remote Play


If you’ve got a Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet, listen up. A new over-the-air (OTA) firmware update (build number 23.0.1.E.0.208) has just been released for your device which brings with it the typical enhancements and bug fixes. More importantly, though, the latest firmware gives the Xperia Z2 Tablet the ability to utilize PS4 Remote Play. For those not familiar, PS4 Remote Play allows you to connect your device to PS4 and stream the games on your device via local Wi-Fi. Additional details after the jump.

Destiny Update 1.1.1 is Live, Brings Tweaks to Weapons, PVP, and Events


Attention, guardians! Destiny update 1.1.1 is now live and ready for download on PS4 and PS3. The required update brings with it some big tweaks like increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%, weekly Heroic Strike now is a matchmade activity, and players will now unlock all playlists (Control, Clash, Rumble, Skirmish) simultaneously when unlocking the Crucible. The full and lengthy details await you after the jump.

PlayStation Store Update (02-24-15)


Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for February 24, 2015. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 users can now jump into Rugby 15, Starwhal, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse (all 3 also available for the PS3) .

PlayStation 3 users can now enjoy Resident Evil Revelations 2 (also available on PS4) while PlayStation Vita users now have access to Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess BlackHeart. 

Finally, as you are probably aware PlayStation Plus users now receive all of their free games at the beginning of the month and then are given discounts on extra content the rest of the month. Extra discounts this week include several PS vita games.

David Jaffe & Co. Give Their Thoughts On Critical Response to ‘The Order: 1886’

The Order 1886

David Jaffe and The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency (his newly-formed company) are weighing in on The Order: 1886 and the critical response it’s received from press. While there is always the outlier in game reviews like Polygon who decided to give The Last of Us a 7/10, while nearly every other publication gave the game of the year a perfect or near perfect score, The Order: 1886 has been a different beast.

Hailed as a visual masterpiece on PS4, The Order has received a near schizophrenic response from press with review scores all over. Having only had a chance to play the game briefly at CES 2015, I cannot give my own opinion on the PS4 exclusive with much integrity. Other journalists, however, have offered a dizzying number of scores which range from a 1/5 from Digital Trends to a 9.5/10 (PSNation) and every score in between.

Are journalists being too harsh on the game and taking out their distaste for more narrative-driven Hollywood-like tales on The Order, or do they raise genuine concerns with the game? David Jaffe (God of War, Twisted Metal) and the team at The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency (the studio working on the up coming free-to-play PS4 exclusive Drawn to Death) weigh in on the game’s review scores in the video after the jump.

Hands On with PlayStation Remote Play

remote play1We go hands on with PlayStation Remote Play to see if the feature is all that it’s cracked up to be. At launch, the system offered a single quality setting for streaming, and it has since been patched to include “High” and “Normal”.  PC users will note that this does little to indicate what sort of resolution one can expect with each setting. My first impression of remote play was not a good one. However, I have tried it a few times since and have found gameplay to be acceptable. More on that after the jump.

PlayStation Store Update (02-17-15)


Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for February 17, 2015. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 users can now jump into Dead or Alive 5 Last RoundHand of Fate, and on Friday they will be able to play the highly anticipated The Order: 1886.

PlayStation 3 users can now enjoy Q*Bert Rebooted (3 way cross buy) while PlayStation Vita users now have access to Deadman’s Cross. There is also a large sale going on featuring games that are critcially acclaimed.

Finally, as you are probably aware PlayStation Plus users now receive all of their free games at the beginning of the month and then are given discounts on extra content the rest of the month. Extra discounts this week include even deeper price cuts on the previously mentioned sales.

PS4 PlayMemories App Gains 4K Support

PS4_PlayMemories_AppIf in your arsenal of entertainment devices you have a PS4 and a 4K television then the following news is specifically for you. Sony has updated the PlayMemories App on PS4 with 4K support. For those unfamiliar, PlayMemories syncs your photos between your different devices (think iCloud & Photo Stream) for easy access and consumption. While 4K video is something new for consumers, digital cameras have been able to capture at that resolution for many years. Now those with a 4K TV will have an easy way to consume their photos. Details after the jump.

‘Resogun: Defenders’ DLC + Update Content!


The PlayStation 4 exclusive Resogun is receiving a major update in preparation for that last DLC Expansion to the game named ‘Defenders’. Now what exactly will come with both the DLC and the update? We have the details and more for you, after the jump.

PS Vita Spring Releases


This week, PlayStation released a highlight reel showcasing its PS Vita Spring Releases featuring upcoming and recently-released titles. This news comes on the heels of the Vita getting some features removed, like YouTube and Maps. However the Vita is a gaming system – and that’s what should matter. Some of the new titles include: Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, and Toukiden: Kiwami. Check out the video after the jump.

‘LittleBigPlanet 3’ Update 1.05 Brings Massive Improvements to PS3 & PS4


Be it on PS3, PS4, or PS Vita, you simply cannot go wrong with a LittleBigPlanet game. The most recent entry, LittleBigPlanet 3, was released in fall for PS3 and PS4 with new gameplay modes and new characters. As it is with games with a heavy multiplayer core, the game hasn’t been without its fair share of problems which are likely only heightened by the fact that it had to be built on PS3 and PS4. While the PS4 can boast more robust graphics and physics alongside a much more modern architecture for online connectivity, the team behind the game likely couldn’t fully tap into it unless they created two separate projects at once; one for PS3 and one for PS4.

Now with LittleBigPlanet 3 Update 1.05, a massive amount of fixes are coming to both platforms with the PS4 patching coming in at 495MB while PS3 users get a break with just a 110MB download. After the jump, the full details.

‘Strength of the Sword: ULTIMATE’ is Coming to PS4 and PS Vita… If You Help!

Strength of the Sword: ULTIMATEYou loved Strength of the Sword 3, the epic sword-fighting/brawling PlayStation 3 exclusive. Now, Ivent Games, the two-man Indie company behind the franchise, has announced their next installment: Strength of the Sword: ULTIMATE for the PC (and, eventually, consoles! Get ready, Vita and PS4!). You may recall from our review of the first game that the creators don’t believe in creating sequels – and they’re sticking to that. Strength of the Sword Ultimate will not be a sequel. Instead, it’s more of a “hey, we listened to what the fans want so here you go” kind of thing. Take it from their press release:

 The game’s called Strength of the Sword: ULTIMATE, but it might as well be named FAN EDITION since if you compare the list of features we’re bringing this time around to those requested by our friends and fans you’d get 100% match. That’s no coincidence, the support we received from the small but passionate community of the original PS3 game has been nothing short of amazing, so why wouldn’t we pay them back by listening. 

Yes, it’s coming – but Ivent needs your help to bring the game to PC and consoles. Their Kickstarter campaign is already getting noticed, listed as a Kickstarter Staff Pick. This is what they have to say about it:


And we have to agree! If you’re stoked for the next iteration of Strength of the Sword, vote with your dollars on their Kickstarter!

Check out what’s new in ULTIMATE after the jump.

PlayStation Store Update (02-10-15)


Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for February 10, 2015. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 users can now jump into the highly anticipated Evolve.

PlayStation 3 users can now enjoy Chivalry: Medieval Warfare while PlayStation Vita users now have access to Jungle Rumble: Freedom, Happiness, and Bananas. 

Finally, as you are probably aware PlayStation Plus users now receive all of their free games at the beginning of the month and then are given discounts on extra content the rest of the month. Extra discounts this week include reduced prices on the PS4 version of Super Stardust Ultra.

Is Netflix 4K Headed to PS4?


Netflix Chief Product Office Neil Hunt believes that 4K support is coming to the PlayStation 4. With a full year under its belt, Sony has made no announcements in regards to 4K capabilities on the PS4, other than a vague comment by Shuhei Yoshida on August 2013 which stated

 PS4 will support 4K video and photos 

Nearly a year and a half later, we’ve yet to see any hints of 4K on PS4 but if the PS3 was any sign, Sony has the know-how to build on their original design. That is to say that the PS3 that launched 10 years ago is very different than the PS3 of now which thanks to firmware updates have brought with them a more robust PlayStation Network, 3D movies, and a host of apps, all which were absent during launch. Is the PS4 headed towards the same path? Quite likely, but according Neil Hunt, it may be done with a hardware revision. Wait, what? Let’s talk about the jump.

Sony Sells a Whopping 6.4 Million PS4 in Q3 2014


Sony has just posted their Q3 2014 earnings which cover the September 1st and December 31st time period with some very positive results. While we’ve been unable to post a rosy picture of their electronics division as of late, PlayStation seems to be headed in the right direction. For the period, Sony sold a whopping 6.4 million PS4 units which have helped the division stay in the black, aka profitable. Over all, PlayStation was up 16.8% year-on-year.

After the jump, sales number from PS3 and PS Vita.

PlayStation Store Update (02-03-15)


Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for February 3, 2015. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 users now can continue their journey in TellTales Game of Thrones Episode 2 (also available for PS3) and attempt to take over the world in Risk. PlayStation 4 users can also jump into the Battlefield Hardline Open Beta (also available for PS3)

PlayStation 3 users now now enjoy King Oddball and the Resident Evil Franchise Pack which includes Resident Evil 4-6. PlayStation Vita users now enjoy another JRPG from our friends at NISA, Criminal Girls: Invite Only. There is also a sale on games from several franchises including Resident Evil and  Rock Band.

Finally, as you are probably aware PlayStation Plus users now receive all of their free games at the beginning of the month and then are given discounts on extra content the rest of the month. The PlayStation Plus games for February include Transistor (PS4), Yakuza 4 (PS3), and Rogue Legacy (All 3 platforms…check out our review of this fantastic game).