Killzone: Shadow Fall Intercept is the all new DLC that’s now available for free to Killzone: Shadow Fall season passholders. Set for release in August as a standalone purchase that won’t require Killzone: Shadow Fall in order to be played, Intercept promises to bring with it new maps, gameplay experiences, and most importantly, integral co-op play that will change how you play the game. After the jump, we’ve pieced together 20 HD screenshots from Killzone: Shadow Fall Intercept.
PlayStation 4
As it was on the PS3, The Last of Us on PS4 is expected to be a monstrous hit. Officially dubbed as The Last of Us Remastered, the HD port brings with it The Last of Us: Left Behind which takes place prior to the main events of the game. In addition to the extra content, what will truly make this port standout is the graphical upgrades its set to receive. While traditionally companies turn over game ports to other studios, Naughty Dog is internally handling the improved visuals that will bring the game from 720p to 1080p. Naughty Dog has promised higher resolution character models, improved shadow and lighting details, and much more that will make the game more than just a port.
Naughty Dog also hasn’t been shy about their ambitions of reaching 1080p 60fps, the holy grail of what many consider true next-gen visuals. Till now, we’ve only been told by Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann, the game’s Creative Directors, that they’d like to hit that target with no confirmation if the final product will actually offer that. Now, thanks to some teases from both men, we may just have the confirmation we’ve been looking for.
Are you ready for your first PlayStation Store update of July? I hope so because there is a host of goodies that are ready to take up space on your PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. Some noteworthy releases from this week include:
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Champion Edition (PS4 – $14.99)
- Sniper Elite III (PS4 – $49.99)
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn (PS3 – $39.99)
- ConstantC (PS3 – $9.99)
- Child of Light (PS Vita – $14.99)
After the jump, the full PlayStation Store Update (7-01-14) awaits you.
Launched in Japan under PS Vita TV in 2013, the small portable console was unveiled for Western audiences at E3 2014 under the simpler PlayStation TV name. Capable of streaming games from PlayStation Now and the PS4, the new addition to the PlayStation family may also be looking for an identity change in Japan.
While Bungie has decided to keep the experience of Destiny the same on all consoles by limiting the games to 30fps, despite the ability for certain consoles (hint, it’s the PS4) to run smoother, Blizzard’s mega RPG will take full advantage of the extra horse power of the PS4. In a headline that’s becoming all too familiar, Diablo 3 is the latest game to feature either better visuals, frames-per-second or both on the PS4 when compared to the Xbox One. Lets talk details.
As Destiny inches towards its September release on previous-gen and next-gen (now current-gen?) consoles, the elite studio is revealing more details about Destiny. Part of that includes how they plan on keeping online elements of Destiny to run smoothly from day one. As gamers are unfortunately all too aware, major AAA franchises like SimCity, Battlefield, and Call of Duty have had their fair share of problems on launch day that at times, have extended far into a month after the titles release. With a major component of Destiny revolving around online play as the game fuses FPS and MMO elements together, a lot is riding on the games ability to operate smoothly.
This is further complicated by the fact that Destiny will be released on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 where all players exist on the same universe. Online elements to games have traditionally been divided by consoles where PS3 users could only play PS3 users and so on. Luckily, Bungie feels like they’ve got the situation in control. Bungie COO Pete Parsons:
for many months now, we’ve actively had a build up, we pinged our data centre for the first time more than a year ago.
After the jump, Pete reveals further details on how exactly they plan to handle what will likely be an onslaught of players from day one.
While Square-Enix has talked and talked about games like Final Fantasy XV (previously Final Fantasy VS. XIII) and Kingdom Hearts III, the Japanese giant is finally starting to make good on its promise by showing in-game content. The above video, as simple as it may first seem, is actually the beginning of KH3, the long lusted after sequel that blends Disney and Final Fantasy characters together. Tai Yasue, co-director of Kingdom Hearts HD:
“That’s the starting scene for Kingdom Hearts III, actually,” Yasue told me. “[Co-director Tetsuya] Nomura has a real clear picture of the starting sequence. He wrote that up actually, the drawings, and we voice-recorded that. That’s gonna be a real integral part of the story of Kingdom Hearts III. It’s gonna be the starting point of Kingdom Hearts III.”
Kingdom Hearts III takes place after the events of Kingdom Hearts II and likely after the great Keyblade wars that have been previously teased. The game once again features Sora, Donald, and Goofy as the main heroes. After the jump, gameplay video of Kingdom Hearts III awaits you.
Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for June 24, 2014. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 users can enjoy RBI Baseball 14, Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Also available on PS3) and the interesting looking on-rail shooter Blue Estate.
PlayStation 3 users have several new titles to select from this week including GRID Autosport, TRANSFORMERS: Rise of the Dark Spark (Also available on PS4), and Atelier Rorona Plus w/bonus (Also available on PS Vita). The first week of the ‘Summer Blast Sale’ features discounts on several games including Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Deception IV: Blood Ties (See our review here), and Dustforce.
Finally, PlayStation Plus users will be receiving Mutant Mudds Deluxe (PS Vita) for free along with many discounts on several games. Keep reading to see a complete list of content available on the PlayStation Store this week!
If you’re planning on firing up your PS4 today then take note. Sony has released the PlayStation 4 System Software Update 1.72 for your downloading pleasure. Luckily, the update itself is a fairly small one and should only take minutes between download and install. So what’s included in the PS4 firmware 1.72? Let’s talk details:
PlayStation Now, the streaming game service from Sony is likely to make its debut in late summer on the PlayStation 4. For those not familiar, PlayStation Now will allow PS4 owners to stream PS3 games to their console with various methods which include purchasing, renting, and eventual subscription models. After the PS4 launch, Sony will bring PlayStation Now to the PS Vita, PS3, followed by Sony’s smartphone and tablets. In fact, Sony’s 2014 fleet of 4K televisions will get PlayStation Now built in. We previously had a chance to take PlayStation Now for a test drive at CES 2014 and were deeply impressed by its results.
With any such service, there is plenty of fine lines on what it offers. Sony is also offering lots of beta opportunities though their currently limited to the PS4. Sony has promised that PS3 owners will also be able to participate in the near future. To that end, after the break, we have an extensive PlayStation Now FAQ put together for your reading pleasure which breaks down all you’ve likely wondered about the impressive service.
While there is a lot we now know about Destiny (like how awesome the game plays, even at an Alpha build), there is still a lot of information that’s yet to be revealed about the game. Some have to do with the actual gameplay, storyline, and world while others are more on the techno-babble side. One such piece of information is the frames-per-second that Destiny will offer. In the last year, more and more games having running at 60fps on the PS4 while their counterparts on the Xbox One have performed at a more modest 30fps.
Destiny may be one such game that bucks the trend and runs 1080p/30fps on all platforms and it may not be because the PS4 can’t handle it. After the jump, the explanation from Bungie.
At the beginning of May, PlayStation 4 firmware update 1.70 prepared systems for the ability to pre-load games that have been digitally pre-ordered to unlock at midnight of release, much like Steam and other PC clients currently allow. The first title that was supposed to have that capability was Ubisoft’s Watch_Dogs, but the May 27 release didn’t ship with that feature. Today on the PlayStation Blog, we learned what upcoming titles will be receiving that treatment – and the first one isn’t too far away.
One of the big announcements during E3 2014 was the arrival of PlayStation TV in North America. Previously know as PS Vita TV in Japan, the new hardware from Sony promises big things for those who own a PlayStation console and for those who don’t at a very affordable price. We previously covered what the PlayStation TV has to offer in extensive detail. If you think the PlayStation TV is the right console for you but you’re looking to get a little more bang for your buck than you’re in luck. Alongside the bare bones unit, Sony is also releasing a PlayStation TV bundle this fall and you get quite a bit for that extra $40.
At Sony’s E3 Press Conference this year, the company introduced a new SKU of the record-breaking PlayStation 4. The glacier white PS4 will be releasing worldwide later this year, first as part of a bundle with Activision and Bungie’s blockbuster Destiny. Read on to see all the angles of the system, as well as the new white DualShock 4.
Welcome to the PlayStation Store update for June 17, 2014. We have a great update this week packed full of new content and sales. PlayStation 4 users can now take to the octagon as EA Sports UFC comes to the system today.
PlayStation 3 users have several new titles to select from this week including Battle Princess of Arcadias, Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, and Moto GP 13. The ‘Only On PlayStation’ Sale takes place this week and includes discounts on titles such as Flower, ICO, and Tearaway.
Finally, PlayStation Plus users will be receiving Terraria (PS Vita) for free along with many discounts on several games. Keep reading to see a complete list of content available on the PlayStation Store this week!
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