PlayStation 4

20 Things You Didn’t Know About PS4

Official PS4_18There are lots of things to know about the PS4 before purchasing one that can change how you look at the next generation console. To break down the onslaught of details, we’ve broken down our coverage in a few sections that include:

Now, PlayStation Access is further breaking down the PS4 with a new top 20 things you may not know about the powerful console. After the jump, the video awaits you.

Sony Releases KNACK’s Quest for iPhone, Will Sync With PS4

KNACKs_Quest_04While the PS4 is not quite out yet, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a handful of ways that you can get ready for the console. To help build up to its November 15th launch, Sony is slowly releasing content that will improve your PS4 experience, like the PlayStation App that will be released on iOS and Android devices on Nov. 13th. But if the 13th also seems to far away, then listen up. Sony has just released KNACK’s Quest for iPhone and iPod Touch (sorry iPad users, but there is no native version of the app) that will help tide you over until the game is released on the PS4 launch date. Let’s talk details after the jump.

PlayStation Store Update (11-05-13)

Psn-UpdateWelcome to the PlayStation Store update for November 5, 2013.  The update this week is full of fresh new content and sales! Even though we are only 10 days away from the release of the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 users are still getting  a ton of new content and it doesn’t get bigger than Call of Duty: Ghosts which releases on the store today.

This week there are several new PSN releases for both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita including A-Men 2 and CastleStorm. There is also a ton of great sales including deep discounts on several wonderful games published by Atlus.

Finally, PlayStation Plus users will be receiving Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (PlayStation 3)  for free along with many discounts on several games. Keep reading to see a complete list of content available on the PlayStation Store this week!

Meet the Dualshock 4 Controller (video)


With the PS4 release less than two weeks away, the hype machine at Sony continues to pump out new content to tide us over until the console is released. The latest video from Sony highlights the new Dualshock 4 controller which features a new design, improved trigger buttons (R2, L2), more precise analogue sticks, and built-in speaker, to name a few. After the jump, the video awaits you.

PlayStation App Coming to iOS & Android Prior to PS4 Launch

playstation app

When a new console is on the horizon, gamers tend to have their own rituals that help prepare them for game day. Some like to hunt for accessories, others prepare bigger hard drives, and some see it as a time to upgrade their television all prior to the consoles launch. While it may seem crazy to others, this ensures that your day one experience with the console, in this case the PS4 is smooth, impactful, and memorable. Now Sony has announced that you can download the PlayStation App on your iOS & Android device of choice, prior to the consoles November 15th debut.

Sony Financial Results Q2 FY13, US Market Distance

Sony World Image

Many of us here at SonyRumors have been watching Sony’s mobile strategy carefully and wondering what their next plans are, particularly, regarding the US. With the stellar success of the Xperia Z – a phone which ranks in the top three smartphones in over 20 markets by revenue, followed by the mammoth Xperia Z1 it has been an antagonizing wait for US consumers to see when the next hot Sony smartphone will come to US shores, or worse – if at all.

The company has just released it’s second fiscal results which tells us a lot more about what’s going on at the company and we can’t forget CEO Kaz Hirai’s unpopular announcement that the US was not a priority market at the moment and hinting at a reduced presence in the market. With a combination of CEO comments and fresh fiscal results we can start to see exactly why Sony is bailing the US and perhaps estimate when they might return. After the jump, the Q2 FY13 Sony financial results.

Killzone: Shadow Fall Supports 24 Separate Enemy AI at Once


One of the most talked about games that will launch along side the other 21 launch day titles for the PlayStation 4 is Killzone: Shadow Fall. Set 30 years after the events of Killzone 3, Shadow Fall takes players on a journey set on Earth, long after the threat of the Helghans. With the game having gone gold last week, we’ve begun to hear more details about what it took to bring such a massive game, running at 1080p to the PS4. Lead designer Eric Boltjes talks about the game engine:

 The engine is still the same. But we had to redo a lot of it. It’s a different architecture so a lot had to be re-written. A lot of the pipeline for production is still the same. Now it’s x4, x8, because everything has to be higher resolution, has to have more details, more loading, more texture mapping. It’s a lot more work to get the production done in that sense. 

More impressive than the games visuals may be the AI and the number Guerrilla Games was able to fit on screen at any given time.

PS4 FAQ List: PS+, Online Multiplayer, and PS Store


Now that the PlayStation 4 is officially two weeks away, all the details about the powerful console have begun to pour in. To break down the onslaught of details, we’ve broken down our coverage in a few sections that include:

Our final piece covers the PS4 and PlayStation Plus, online multiplayer, and the PlayStation Store. After the jump, the full FAQ sheet which includes nuggets like:

 Can more than one person access my content from my PS4?

By setting your home PS4 your Primary console, the content you’ve purchased on your account is available to other family members without needing to sign in on your account. 

PS4 FAQ List: PS Vita Remote Play

PS4 to PS Vita Remote Play

Thanks to Sony, yesterday we revealed an extensive PS4 FAQ list that covers most of the unanswered questions about the soon to be released console. While some of the addressed FAQ we’ve known for sometime, other ones like a lack of DLNA support was a new one for many. New revelations include:

 Does PS4 have to be on to take advantage of Remote Play?

Yes. But PS Vita can remotely wake up PS4 when in standby mode, as long as this feature is activated in the Power Settings menu on PS4. 

Now after the jump, we have the PS4 FAQ list that answers all of PS4 and PS Vita Remote Play questions.

PS4 FAQ List: All The Things You’ve Wanted and Not Wanted to Know (updated)

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With the PS4 set to launch in just about two weeks, Sony continues to let more details be known about its next generation console. Some are welcomed facts like 21 day one launch games while others like no dynamic theme support tend to hamper our mood. Now, with the floodgates open, Sony has given us a massive FAQ list that covers nearly everything you’ve wanted to know about the console like:

 What type of hard drive does PS4 use?

PS4 is equipped with a 5400 RPM SATA II hard drive. Users can choose to install a new hard drive so long as it complies with these standards, is no thicker than 9.5mm, and is larger than 160GB.

Will users be able to connect an external hard drive to expand storage on PS4?

No, this feature is not supported on PS4. 

And things that you may not care about like:

 When did PlayStation begin developing PS4?

The company started a conceptual discussion of PS4 five years ago, in 2008. 

After the jump, we have the ultimate PS4 FAQ list for your reading pleasure.


Since its release, this article has been updated with better formatting for easer reading.

PS4 to Launch With 21 Day One Titles

E3 2013 PS4 On Stage

According to Sony, the PlayStation 4 will be launching with 21 titles in the US and 23 titles in the UK on day one. While  big titles like Watch Dogs and DriveClub have recently skipped out from the launch party and instead will be landing in early 2014, there is still a healthy amount of titles to pick from including AAA games like Killzone: Shadow Fall and smaller titles like Tiny Brains. After the jump, the full PS4 launch title list.

PlayStation Store Update (10-29-13)

Psn-UpdateWelcome to the PlayStation Store update for October 29, 2013.  The update this week is full of fresh new content and sales! PlayStation 3 users are in for a treat as two major franchises release their new iterations on the store today in the form of  both Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Battlefield 4.

Halloween is coming up soon and Sony is continuing their multi-week sale promotion. Both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita users can enjoy deep discounts on horror games during this week’s  ‘Sale of the Dead Horror Week’.

Finally, PlayStation Plus users will be receiving Sine Mora (PlayStation Vita)  for free along with many discounts on several games. Keep reading to see a complete list of content available on the PlayStation Store this week!

PS4: No Dynamic Themes or Background Changes

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In a bit of a head scratcher, the PlayStation 4 will be launching with no dynamic themes support or custom backgrounds on November 15th. That means that every PS4 owner will enjoy the same blue background that we’ve seen in all the current previews. This information was revealed by Sony’s Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida on Twitter where he tends to answer many of the more obscure questions that don’t require their own press release. Shu also recently revealed that the PS3 Blu-ray remote won’t work with the PS4.

‘Secret Ponchos’ is the Fighting Game/MOBA/Spaghetti Western Mashup You Never Knew You Always Wanted

Featured PAX 2013 PS4 Secret Ponchos

With a team called Switchblade Monkeys, you have to imagine that they’re bringing something unique along for the ride. Secret Ponchos is certainly that, and president and creative director Yousuf Mapara was kind enough to take some time at PAX to tell me a little about their start developing the game for PS3, how they found themselves on PlayStation 4, and why it’s unlike just about any other top-down shooter you’ve played before

PS4 Exclusive ‘The Order: 1886’ Screenshots Reveal a Fantastic New World


One of the more exciting games that will  arrive on the PS4 next year is The Order: 1886. Developed by Ready at Dawn and Sony Santa Monica as an exclusive title, The Order: 1886 sets players in the pre-industrial era that’s not like what you read about in school. While little is known about the game, previous concept art for the game helped give us a better idea for this new world and I can’t help think of it as Resistance, minus a 100 years which is a wonderful thing in my book. Now after the jump, we can reveal to you some actual in game screenshots that will blow you away.