With the PS4 set to launch in just about two weeks, Sony continues to let more details be known about its next generation console. Some are welcomed facts like 21 day one launch games while others like no dynamic theme support tend to hamper our mood. Now, with the floodgates open, Sony has given us a massive FAQ list that covers nearly everything you’ve wanted to know about the console like:
What type of hard drive does PS4 use?
PS4 is equipped with a 5400 RPM SATA II hard drive. Users can choose to install a new hard drive so long as it complies with these standards, is no thicker than 9.5mm, and is larger than 160GB.
Will users be able to connect an external hard drive to expand storage on PS4?
No, this feature is not supported on PS4.
And things that you may not care about like:
When did PlayStation begin developing PS4?
The company started a conceptual discussion of PS4 five years ago, in 2008.
After the jump, we have the ultimate PS4 FAQ list for your reading pleasure.
Since its release, this article has been updated with better formatting for easer reading.
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