PlayStation 4

Killzone: Shadow Fall and InFamous: Second Son Trailer


As powerful and social as the PlayStation 4 will be, in the end, the console will be judged by the games the platform has to offer. Like past PlayStation consoles, the PS4 is no slouch when it comes to studio support with 96 developers worldwide currently working on titles for the powerful console. However, any PlayStation fan will be quick to point out that what makes them unique isn’t another Madden or Call of Duty game. Instead, it’s the unique and exclusive first party titles, developed for them from the ground up.

Guerilla Games is no stranger to this, having developed a Killzone title for the PS2, PS3, and PSP. Each title in the past has pushed the limits of what each console was capable of and Killzone: Shadow Fall is no different. Below is not a trailer for the game but a 7 minute in game experience, played live during the Sony PlayStation 4 press conference. Yes, it’s that damn beautiful.

After the jump, developers Sucker Punch are at it again with InFamous: Second Son and we have the trailer.

Killzone: Shadow Fall High Resolution Screenshots


If you haven’t seen the official gameplay video from Killzone: Shadow Fall, then you need to stop everything that you’re doing and watch it. No, seriously, this article can wait.

Ok. Now that you’re done drooling and have cleaned yourself up, prepare to do it all over again. While gorgeous, the 1080p trailer above is still compressed and not a direct feed from what the PlayStation 4 and Guerrilla Games have to offer. After the jump, we have 10 Killzone: Shadow Fall high resolution screenshots.

Full PlayStation 4 Developers and Games List

PlayStation 4 Developers

To say Sony came out swinging with the PlayStation 4 would be an understatement. Not only does the console boast some amazing visuals that can be seen in the Killzone: Shadow Fall trailer, but it also incorporates a new controller that taps into the console’s social features. We are now 6 years into the PlayStation 3 life cycle, and one thing is clear: Sony has the clear advantage when it comes to first party studios. Exclusive games for the PS3 include: Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain, God of War, Killzone, Gran Turismo, and InFamous – to name a few. This generation will likely be no different as Sony has continued to empower its internal studios, among which are Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, and Guerrilla Games.

So what does this mean for the PlayStation 4? A few first party studios have already confirmed exclusive games for the PS4, like:

  • Killzone: Shadow Fall
  • InFamous: Second Son
  • Knack
  • DriverClub
  • Unnamed Media Molecule title

But don’t fret as a whole bunch of 3rd party studios are working hard at creating games for the PlayStation 4 as well. Announced titles already include:

  • Watch Dogs
  • Destiny 
  • Diablo 3
  • Unnamed Final Fantasy

Overall, 96 studios worldwide are currently developing for the PlayStation 4. The full PlayStation 4 developers list of them awaits you, after the jump.

iPhone, iPad and Android to Get PlayStation App

playstation app

Sure Sony talked about taking the PlayStation 4 and its arsenal of games beyond the console but only hints of tablet and smartphone functionalities were shown. When the tablet was shown, it was, unsurprisingly, a Sony tablet. This of course begged the question, were Sony’s ambitions limited to Android or would they also offer the extended experience via the PlayStation app to the most popular platform in the world, iOS, which encompasses the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch? Now, Sony has gone on record about their second screen initiative, indicating that

 A new application from SCE called ‘PlayStation App’ will enable iPhone-, iPad-, and Android-based smartphones and tablets to become second screens. Once installed on these devices, users can, for example, see maps on their second screens when playing an adventure game, purchase PS4 games while away from home and download it directly to the console at home, or remotely watch other gamers playing on their devices. 

PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 Photo Gallery and Details

DualShock 4

Like every single PlayStation hardware revision, the PlayStation 4 offered a new controller as well. Shockingly dubbed DualShock 4, the familiar-looking controller has made its shift yet. Like the PS3 (for most of its life) and the PS3, the DualShock 4 will once again feature a rumble pack, giving you the rumbly tumblies that you’ve become so accustomed to. Button layout for the most part has stayed the same and six-axis control is once again though hopefully Sony can convince developers to better utilize it this generation. Gone however is the Start, Select and PlayStation buttons with their functionalities moving to a new “Options” button (center top right). So what else is new? After the jump, we dish out the dirt on the new ‘share’ button (center top left) and have your DualShock 4 photo gallery.

Editorial: Sony Doesn’t Show PlayStation 4, But Does It Really Matter?

playstation 4

By now, you’ve probably already read the technical specifications for the PlayStation 4 and heard about some games in production like InFamous: Second Son and Killzone 4, which look absolutely stunning. With new games for the PS4 come new ways for players to interact with their world, including a new controller, called the DualShock 4, which incorporates a touch bar. With the PlayStation 4 announcement nearing an end, it soon became apparent that we would not being seeing the PlayStation 4 in person, despite games like Killzone 4 running in real time on the hardware. This of course has some gamers annoyed and up in arms, but why?

PS3 Owners Get Screwed Again, Destiny from Bungie Will Be Xbox 360 Timed Exclusive


As you may have read today, Bungie has finally taken off the wraps from their highly-anticipated new franchise entitled Destiny. The company, famously known for creating the mega popular Halo series for Xbox, parted ways with Microsoft nearly 3 years ago and signed a 10-year deal with Activision. Destiny, which takes place in a brand new world that’s always connected, required a constant internet connection in order to play the FPS. This is in part due to the game’s fluid nature which places heavy emphasis on player actions with outcomes that the developers might not see, thus the always-on requirement. Fret not though as Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg says:

 absolutely no plans to charge a subscription fee. 

That’s where the good news begins to dim a bit if you’re a PlayStation 3 owner. Bungie has revealed that they want to get as many players into this game as possible. Currently, the game is set to arrive on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2014. This date also happens to be after what will probably be the release of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 which likely means that there is a chance that the game will also come on next gen consoles. To further drive the always-on concept, there even appears to be an iOS companion app which allows you to further interact with the world while away from your console. That and the trailer can be seen, after the jump. So yes Bungie wants everyone to play their game, just not all at the same time, according to their revealed contract.

Prior to PS4 Launch Event, Sony Looks Back at the PS2


It’s no secret that Sony is set to announce the PlayStation 4 this Wednesday, February 20th. Little is still known about the event or the system which is quite impressive, seeing how most products from Sony tend to get leaked well ahead of their public unveiling. To get an idea for where Sony and PlayStation might be going, you have to know where you’ve been. Leading up to the event, Sony has been releasing videos highlighting their past consoles and what made them unique and exciting. Today, Sony takes a walk through memory lane and highlights the world’s best selling game console, the PlayStation 2. After the jump, the video awaits you.

No ‘The Last of Us’ is Not Coming Out for PS4

The Last Of UsAs many of you have probably heard by now, Naughty Dog, the developers behind Uncharted, the hit PlayStation 3 series are delaying The Last of Us. Set in an entirely different world, the ambitious game followers the story of Joel and Ellie in a post apocalyptic world and features the most stunning PS3 graphics to date. The developers have in fact been quoted for saying that they’ve maxed out the PS3 in every way possible. Wanting to release the game to their stands, the games May 7th release date has been pushed back by a month to June 14th, to ensure the team has some more polish time. Talking with the PlayStation Blog, Lead Game Designer Neil Druckmann said,

 instead of cutting corners or compromising our vision, we came to the tough decision that the game deserved a few extra weeks to ensure every detail of The Last of Us was up to Naughty Dog’s internal high standards.

As a team we pride ourselves on setting a very high quality bar for every aspect of our games – gameplay, story, art, design, technology and more. We want to make sure The Last of Us raises that bar even further – for ourselves, and most importantly, for you, our fans. 

PS4 to Cost $499? Are You Ok With That? (poll)


According to Japanese newspaper Asahi, the PS4 will cost consumers in Japan more than 40,000 yen. While rumors of price are speculation at best until we hear from Sony, this translates to $428 in USD and roughly 317 Euros. With the newspaper specifically insisting that the PS4 will more than 40,000 yen, this can mean a more realistic price of $449 or $499 for what will probably be the base model.

It should also be noted that device prices don’t always translate well with simple currency conversions as the process of pricing is more complicated then that. If the price does hold true, this marks a lower price for Sony who offered the PlayStation 3 at $599 at launch and still lost more than $300 on each unit.

PlayStation Tease ‘See the Future’ on February 20th, Possible PS4 Announcement?


Not a lot of details yet but via their official Twitter channel, PlayStation is teasing February 20th as the day to ‘see the future.’ The press event, set to take place in New York City, looks to be centered around a big PlayStation announcement though no specifics are given. Is the PlayStation Vita getting a price drop? Is the PlayStation 4, codenamed Orbis, getting officially announced? All we have so far is the teaser video from Sony which can be viewed after the jump. This post will be updated as we learn more.