Friends, family, and readers of this site know that I love Destiny. Seeing how this isn’t a site that’s ran by tons of writers, I usually limit my coverage of games to titles I myself find compelling. For that reason, you’re more likely to see me talk about Destiny, Uncharted, and DriveClub than Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed. I say write about what you know. (Just to give you an idea as how horrible my back catalogue is. I still haven’t launched Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag though I purchased on day one.)
One thing that I love about Destiny is how accessible the game is. If I have 15 minutes to play, it takes all but 2-minutes to boot up my PS4 and be in orbit. Once there, I can do a quick strike or a few rounds of crucible. If I have a little bit more time, to the tower I go for bounties or perhaps I try to put together a nightfall strike or even raid.
As you can imagine, The Taken King was pre-ordered a long time ago and downloaded on day one when it launched but none of the experiences I write about are specific to that DLC. After the jump, a fun two-minute video that highlights a random Destiny Crucible (PVP) encounter someone recorded that shows why this game is so much fun. Seriously try to watch the video and not smile.
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