
Uncharted 3 TV Commercial Debuts During Tonight’s NFL Kickoff

The NFL season is set to kick off tonight with a game between the Packers and the Saints, which always draws in million of loyal viewers throughout the US. Sony, who is betting on the usual millions who tune in for these games, also knows that the viewers, in many cases, also cross over to the gaming world and make up a large part of their install base. With the summer leaving NFL season in doubt due to the then looming strike, fans will be hungry to see some great NFL action with the return of the season and Sony is hungry to show them what many consider the greatest exclusive of this generation, Uncharted 3. During the game, Sony will debut a new 30-second Uncharted 3 commercial for the PlayStation 3 exclusive that is set to launch on November 1st.


With the game still well over a month away, it’s nice to see Sony start off the game’s marketing campaign so early. Having now seen the TV spot, what do you think about the commercial? Does the new TV spot help draw in viewers to the game or is there still something missing from Sony’s marketing campaign?

Kevin Butler Leaves Flooring Company, Returns to PlayStation. Long Live Play

It had been many months sense we’d heard from the vice president of all things PlayStation, Kevin Butler. To get a full understanding of the story, we first have to look all the way in 2009 when Mr. Butler joined PlayStation. He’s first position then with the company was Director of Game Accuracy. Due to rising popular with the gamers and non-gamers alike, Butler would soon find himself in the VP position and opposite of Jack Tretton, President of Sony Computer Entertainment America. Kevin Butlers fame would continue to grow and maybe even peaked during his 2010 Sony E3 press conference speech. KB as he’s known with the kids and the internets these days was most noticeably absent from Sony’s 2011 E3 press coference. KB who is known to represent PlayStation’s many different branches had held many different VP positions in the last few years including,

  • VP of The Cold Hard Truth
  • VP of First Person Shooter Relations
  • VP of Blu-ray Superiority
  • VP of Epic Gaming for All

Sony Ericsson Xperia arc Challenges the Sun’s Power, Helps Plants Grow

LCD screens today, compared to a few years ago, are drastically brighter and yet more efficient then before. Even without new technology like Sony’s WhiteMagic LCD, new smartphones can be extremely bright and the Xperia arc is no exception. How bright though can be a matter of your definition. However, if your smartphone is powerful enough to do the job of the Sun, I think we can all agree that it’s got one major LCD backing behind it. Sony wanted to prove just that and so it created the following video which attempts to see if the Sony Ericsson Xperia arc is capable of helping flowers bloom in place of the Sun’s rays. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back, and relax while the video unfolds after the jump.

It Only Does Everything – A Look at Sony’s Ad Campaign


The end of 2006 marked the arrival of the PlayStation 3, Sony’s entrance into the next generation of video game consoles. The last generation console war saw the PlayStation 2 as the clear winner with over 150 million units sold worldwide. With this success, Sony appeared to be arrogant and refocused their branding and advertising campaigns.

In order to hype up potential buyers, Sony’s $150 million advertising campaign focused on how out of this world the new console is and will be, going as far as creating TV ads that confused rather than informed customers about the benefits of the new console. Sony then began placing the PS3 as a high-end machine, one that would cost $600; making it one of the most expensive game consoles ever released.

Sony Releases New S1 and S2 Tablet Video Teaser (part 2)

We all know that Sony is looking to release two Android Honeycomb tablets this fall. Outside of the previous teaser video, we’ve even managed to catch the S2 on video for a few seconds. Now the electronic giant wants you to see even more of the S1 and S2. However, if you are looking for a slew of new revealing tidbits, you will be disappointed by the new teaser video. On the other hand, if your eyes and brains are ready to be visually stimulated, then the new video, with the small reveals of different programs, including Twitter and Google Maps will leave you clicking the reply button again.

Hit the jump for the newest teaser from Sony.

Kevin Butler PS3 Commercial “inFAMOUS 2”

If you’ve been wanting some more KB spice in your life, then here is the man himself, this time out to promote the PlayStation 3 exclusive, inFamous 2.

 Somebody didn’t get the memo that superheroes don’t need capes and tights anymore. 

Buy: inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition $94.99

Buy: inFAMOUS $24.94

New Sony Television ‘Refined’ Commercial

For the past week, some of you might have seen parts of Sony’s new Television Refined commercial campaign, especially if you have been tuning into the NBA. Still, the commercials that air are only party of the story. The above video is the 60 second commercial in its entirety. Although I personally still have my problems with it as a “pure” commercial, which I believe should cover a specific device and tell you what it’s so great or why you need, as oppose to it covering an entire range, it’s still a very well done commercial and much better then some previous efforts.

Another Ad for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, Mixing Kittens and Crossbows

Have you seen the previous ad for the Xperia Play? If not, your missing out on “stuff” blowing up. Now, here is another followup at, highlighting what makes the Xperia Play, with it’s exclusive games different from the rest of the Android gang.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Ad Helps You Blow Up Stuff

Do you like having a smartphone with email, calendar, thousands of apps, and camera/camcorder with geotagging access? Do you like to watch lots of YouTube videos but have an itch to blow $h*t up more often than not? May we present you the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play.

Veronica Belmont Tells You Why to choose a Blu-ray Player Instead of a DVD Player

With the United States starting to peak its head out of recession and towards recovery, Sony believes that this is a great time to remind consumers about Blu-ray and why the format is superior over DVD. Although Blu-ray has done well as a format, capturing on a weekly bases, 20-30% of packaged media sales, the format was released and hit with the global recession. As consumers started to tighten their wallets, the first things to take a hit were more premium offerings like Blu-ray. Now, with the help of Veronica Belmont, Sony is once again reminding consumers what Blu-ray has to offer and it’s not just better video and sound. Having started purchasing Blu-ray movies before I had a Blu-ray player in anticipation of picking up a PS3 a few months later at launch time, a few years later and I’m currently 300+ strong in my Blu-ray collection with my eyes shifting towards a 3D collection. How about you? Are aboard the Blu-ray wagon? If not, what’s holding you back?

Hit the jump for Veronica’s video.

Kevin Butler Helps You Talk Trash, #SHAFT

Sony has released a series of new ads, featuring the now iconic and brand representing, Kevin Butler. This time, KB is here to promote the PlayStation 3 exclusive MLB The Show 2011, and help gamers talk a little trash while playing. Think you have what it takes to SHAFT with the pros?

Full Sony Ericsson Xperia Play ‘The Donor’ Commercial

Remember that Sony Ericsson commercial during the Super Bowl? The creepy one with the Android robot getting a human thumb so it could play better games? Well, there is more to it than that. We can now bring you the full commercial which will put a little more context to the entire premise. Still, we hope Sony will go with something less gritty when the product launches, though this does beckon your attention. Then again, if anybody remembers the crying baby commercials during the PS3 launch year…yea, that didn’t go over too well.

Why I Love the Sony NEX-5 Commercial

I haven’t been shy on my feelings for Sony and their handling of their advertisements. Although they have done a lot to improve that over the last year, I believe the company still has a long way to go. However, this new ad for the NEX-5 gives me much renewed hope and excitement for what Sony’s advertising can achieve and how it can resonate with the viewers. The idea of the ad is so simple and yet it achieves everything it should. It not only shows off the product for almost the entire time, instead of having people talk vaguely about how Sony products are great, it also shows off the features that differentiate it from the other companies while not being a powerpoint presentation.

I cannot stress enough that Sony has some fantastic and unique products but it does them nothing if the average consumer has no idea they exist. With an ad like this, not only is the product shown, but there is also a reason why you would want it. Also, as we have seen in the States, Sony has plenty of celebrity power. Make the same ad and insert one of the many stars that Sony has, and voila!—people will not forget the product.

Editorial: Sony Dash, the Best Sony Commercial Ever?

One of the biggest problems I’ve always had with Sony is the lack of advertising on their end and the cohesiveness of when they actually do advertise. As a believer, preacher, and defender of their products, it’s far too frustrating to see them release fantastic devices into the market like the Sony Dash and have it fade away as just another new device after 3 blogs have covered it. Sure, the geek crowd who reads sites like ours and Engadget and browses forums on a regular basis might know about it, but the much bigger portion of the public, the ones who want to see a new device shown to them on TV and likes the familiarity of what they see on store shelves when they step into a retailer like Best Buy is completely missed. Then, when Sony actually does advertise, they are too busy using celebrities from their portfolio like Justin Timberlake and Payton Manning and not focused enough on what the ad is actually trying to tell people, let alone sell them, which is the point of advertisement.

A few days ago, all of this changed for me. Not only has Sony released a new TV spot for their Sony Dash, but during the 30 seconds, not only do they manage to show the device and its many functionalities, but also give you a heads up on its new price as well, all without the help of a single celebrity. Don’t believe me? Watch the following:

Sony VP of Everything, Kevin Butler and Best Buy Team Up in a New Ad

This Holiday season, Best Buy and Sony are teaming up again to offer you an exclusive Bravia TV and PlayStation 3 bundle with huge savings. Don’t believe me? Take it away KB!