Welcome back to another week of Gaming With Heather, friends! I apologize for my recent absence, and I’m going to entirely blame it on all the new releases of September. This week though, I was fortunate enough to snag an early access code for the demo of Beyond: Two Souls. The rest of you will be able to experience the demo on October 1st, but until then I wanted to share with you why I think you my thoughts! If you’re not familiar with Beyond: Two Souls, it is an upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive from Quantic Dream, who developed Heavy Rain. It is another interactive movie-style game that really raises the bar on how we play games. I personally don’t think Beyond: Two Souls has been hyped as much as it should be. If you read my last post I talked about too much hype, but in this case I have to wonder why everyone isn’t as familiar with this game as they should be.
SRN Editorial
So far I’ve only done a handful of Gaming With Heather posts, and I hadn’t finished a game featured in one until I started The Last of Us. I’m sure you’re wondering when I featured The Last of Us as my game of the week, but it’s this week! Now I’ll admit I had a rough start with this game considering I purchased it back when it released in June. For one the introduction rips your heart out so quick that you’re left wondering why the hell you’re playing it. Like, let’s have a little warning next time you decide to ruin my afternoon, Naughty Dog! However, it would seem that the cosmic gaming universe had aligned to allow me the time I needed to properly start and finish this game. I realize I am a few months late on this, but I still felt that I needed to step up on my soapbox and talk about The Last of Us.
Let me start off by addressing why it took me so long to play a game I purchased in June. In last week’s post I mentioned that I am a busy gamer and some nights I only have an hour or two to dedicate to actual game time. With that said, The Last of Us is not a game you can pick up for an hour or two. Throughout the entire game I felt like I was never at a good place to stop. Sure, you can technically save at any point, but it felt like turning off a movie that just started. It pains me to play games like this but not have the time to dedicate. Not to mention that a game like this loses a lot of the experience when cut down to short sessions. I just couldn’t commit the time I thought The Last of Us deserved yet. So for the next several months I heard all about how amazing it was and about all the emotions to be experienced. I clearly wasn’t ready for that kind of emotional investment so it just had to wait until I had the time.
Xperia Z, Ultra, Z1, Z1 Mini, Tablet Z, PlayStation 4, more EISA awards for Bravia TVs, QX10/QX100 camera lenses, Smartwatch 2 – Sony is undoubtedly on the move this year as multiple investments reach a pinnacle in their cycle. Some of them, such as the PlayStation 4, represent a multi-billion dollar investment spanning several years that is only appearing above the horizon now as it prepares for major release. Economic, political and cultural events in the background may mean that 2013 is not only the year that Sony is back, but as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says: “Japan is Back“.
There are very few games that actually make me want to collect and do everything in-game. At this point, I can’t even seem to finish the main story in most games. Depending on what genre of games you love, completing games could take quite awhile if you are a busy gamer. I am a busy gamer and I always fall hard for games that are like 50 hours long. This time is no different. So after hearing the announcement of Miyazaki’s retirement this week, I knew I had to make time to finally finish Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
At Gamescom this year, Sony finally announced something that the industry, and myself especially, has been waiting on for awhile – a permanent Vita price drop. One of my first editorials focused on what games I needed to convince me to get a Vita, but I also said that a price drop could sway me as well. And, considering both the games that have been released since that editorial, and the ones that are coming, it is safe to say that my time has come.
There are a few reasons why I’ve been wanting a Vita. For one, there are some amazing games on the handheld that I can’t play on my PS3. As a JRPG fanatic, it almost hurts me that I have yet to play Persona 4 Golden. I also have my eyes on Ragnarok Odyssey, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and AC: Liberation. There are a few PSN games I would also love to have on the go, including some older PSP games, and the old school Final Fantasy games that I love: 7,8 and 9.
It’s a special week for me here in my little slice of the internet. I’ve ventured out of my comfort zone of PlayStation 3 games and am mixing it up. There couldn’t have been a better time to finally head into the unknown territory you all know as the PlayStation Vita. What better to motivate me than the latest addition to the Killzone series, Killzone: Mercenary for the PlayStation Vita?
Now let me start by saying that I really have not played anything on the Vita. Shame on me, but I haven’t really encountered any games that get me hyped for an extended gaming session on handheld. Don’t fret, because I feel this way about most handheld games. However, I really enjoy the Killzone series so I am actually pretty excited about a shooter that you can carry around with you. Oh, and let’s not forget that anytime the word “beta” is thrown around everyone wants to be the first to try it. And that, my friends, is hype.
Here at SonyRumors, we’re excited for Gamescom. We’re so excited we’re doing a live-blog of Sony’s PlayStation media briefing this morning! But before the conference officially kicks off, we thought we’d give you our educated guesses, predictions, and a few hopeful wishes for what we’ll see tomorrow at Koelnmesse in Cologne.
And cats. Yep.

the couple that plays together, stays together
My husband and I both are pretty avid gamers. He was a console gamer almost exclusively during his teenage years, and until we met in 2008 he hadn’t really played a console since the SNES. However, after getting a PS3 when we moved in together, he hasn’t really looked back. He started off with Uncharted 2, and since then has played the Assassin’s Creed series, all the adventures of Kratos, and everything in between. Now, me … well, I’ve had consoles since I was about 7 or 8, and over the years have played dozens and dozens of games.
Now, having two gamers under one roof, with one Playstation and one TV, can be hard. Evenings become a gambling, balancing act on who gets to play first, and for how long, and “OMG why didn’t you charge the friggin’ controllers???”
It isn’t easy. But I’ve got some suggestions as to how to make it a little easier.
It’s been quite apparent from early 2013 that PlayStation is a different company than it was in 2012, let alone the years prior. While the PS3 launch was plauged by a company who was overconfident and cocky of their competitor, the years since have been turbulent as well with odd or lacking advertisement and side projects like the Wonderbook. I should also point out that I believe the idea of the Wonderbook is quite fantastic but that the PS3 hardware, including the PlayStation Eye, were not adequate for the platform. Still, it’s also hard to ignore that things have been steadily improving for the brand. While the PS Vita has not caught on with consumers, there are many things Sony did right during launch. Abundant supply, very powerful specs, lower price point that many anticipated (though still too high for what consumers wanted), and an array of games that were not just PS3 ports. The PS3 has also been a savior for gamers who don’t want just another CoD game with more exclusives each year while it seems like Microsoft stopped developing games for the Xbox 360 nearly two years ago.
With the PS3 now edging the Xbox 360 in sales, despite still costing more and having been out for one less year, it seems that now is the time for PlayStation to truly surge ahead of Microsoft in the current gen race and next gen with the PS4 launch.
It’s been another week and another handful of games have been played. This week has been one of those weeks where I can’t seem to stick with one game. Every night this week I’ve felt like playing something of a different genre. I even took a stab at playing Gaucamelee, but that quickly ended in defeat. To top off the indecision, I hadn’t planned on purchasing anything new from the PlayStation Network store until I finished InFamous. That thought was short-lived though, because I just couldn’t resist the nostalgic return of Scrooge McDuck in DuckTales Remastered.
If you caught last week’s article, you know I mentioned my huge backlog of PlayStation games. I didn’t go into too much detail, but the unfortunate truth is that they are not all Indie games. Some games in my backlog are pretty major first party PlayStation 3 titles. Yes, Sarah has inspired me to admit to my shame as well. So this week I am finally getting around to playing inFamous, but I seem to be several years too late.
I’m sure you’re wondering if there is such as thing as too late with such acclaimed PlayStation 3 titles. I think there very well is, and I’m definitely having a hard time adjusting my mindset. With the PS4 right around the corner, some of these games have not stood the test of time as well as others. This is especially true with games in a series for me, and sometimes it’s easier to start with the most recent. Some people may cringe at the idea of playing a series out of order. I think it isn’t for everyone, but it can definitely give you that push you need in order to actually make it through the first games.
In my last editorial, I talked about what I needed to do in order to get ready for the next generation consoles and all the pretty PS4 games that are coming out this holiday. One of them was catching up on my gaming shame list, which will by far be the most difficult one to accomplish. Why, you ask? Well, mostly because I have zero lack of control when it comes to buying games and resisting sales. I don’t know what it is about video games that makes them almost unavoidable to me when they go on sale, or come out with a great looking collectors edition, but I have the tendency to pick things up when I have oodles and oodles of unplayed games at home anyway. Sometimes I feel more like a collector than a gamer, and that makes me sad. There are so many amazing games out there to play, and I have a lot of them, but I find myself staring at the shelves of jewel cases, having no idea where to start.
So, I’ve decided I need to make myself accountable with you guys, so I can get through at least 50% of the 33(!!!) Playstation games I have yet to finish or – gasp – even start. And what better place than here!
It isn’t uncommon among friends and fellow gamers to discuss what games you’re playing. Personally, I love to hear what everyone is playing so I have a better lead on what I may enjoy! With that being said, I would like to make this my little place to share all my PlayStation gaming endeavors of the week.
Recently, I have accumulated quite the backlog of PlayStation Network games due to their fabulous sales. So for the last couple of weeks I’ve been playing and streaming some of the coolest and most rage inducing indie games in my library. My most recent purchase and what has really stood out this week is Cloudberry Kingdom.
This time of year is usually pretty quiet when it comes to new releases. The summer is dedicated more so to less than stellar titles, indie games, and … not much else. there is narn a AAA title in sight. This summer is shaping up to be particularly dry, as not only is it summer but it’s the summer before a new console release. Between now and September, there is only one title that I am really excited for, and even as a JRPG (Tales of Xillia), it won’t keep me all that occupied. Which is fine, because it gives me the perfect opportunity to get prepared for the new next generation releases in the fall.
And there a a couple things I can recommend doing in order to prepare for the Playstation 4.
I have a video game weakness, and that is role playing games – specifically, Japanese role playing games. Something about their involved story-lines, side quests, endless equipment combinations and specializations, and music and artwork hooks me no matter what world or crisis it surrounds. My initial love for the Playstation system specifically comes from these types of experiences. Nothing hooked me more into a video game than the beautiful, intricate details in the art style of Dark Cloud, as primitive as it was, and I’m sure we’ve all experienced that moment of excitement when a cut scene would begin: I remember yelling for my brother when one would pop up in Final Fantasy IX. They’ve made me smile, cry, and occasionally throw my controller down in anger (FFVII. end of disc 1. you know.).
When I first started gaming on my own, and buying games outside of the influence of my brother, I gravitated towards games like Tales of Symphonia and Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX. As I grew up this love for what they offered grew, and I not only indulged in new titles like Star Ocean and Resonance of Fate, but also went back and experienced games I had previously missed, like Kingdom Hearts and Phantom Brave. Now, as an adult with my own money, I have started the slow (and expensive) process of picking up those titles that I may have missed before. Collecting them adds to my enjoyment: having them on display seems fitting for the role they’ve played in my life, and collecting the ones I’ve missed as a kid gives me the opportunity to more completely immerse myself in the genre.
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