Raychul Moore

Raychul’s Review of ‘Ratchet and Clank’ Makes Us Want to Save the Universe Again


In 2002, Insomniac Games released a little game for PlayStation 2 to great critical acclaim and raving reviews called Ratchet and Clank. Now, two console generations and several successful games later, the duo have made their PS4 debut in a remake that is sure to please fans of the original game. Just ask our good friend Raychul Moore:

 I think it’s one of the best re-releases of a classic game that I originally loved that I’ve ever played. 

According to Raychul, Ratchet and Clank does not fall victim to the curse many other remakes do – it actually has that “special something” that makes the game feel new and modern.

 Ratchet and Clank is one of the first games I would definitely say you can tell they rebuilt this game from the ground up. 

So, whether you’re new to the franchise or are excited to dive back in to the world with an out-of-this-world arsenal, get ready to play the game, based on the movie, based on the game (and go see the movie, out in theaters April 29th)! Ultimately, Raychul concludes with:

 One of the genres I miss the most in today’s gaming is a really well done fun platformer. I’m so glad that Insomniac brought back Ratchet and Clank … It fulfilled all of my needs and wants for a platformer and gave me big crazy fun guns to do it with. 

Check out her full video review of Ratchet and Clank after the jump!

Player vs. Player Finale: PS4 vs. Xbox One. We Debate, Live

PVP_Finale_BannerFor those not familiar, Player vs. Player is a show on Machinima that’s broadcasted weekly, live on Twitch.tv. The show, which pits player against player, tests both the knowledge and wit of its hosts as they debate the topic of the week. For the shows finale, I’ve been asked to co-host alongside my good friend Raychul Moore for team PlayStation while Patrick Dees and Dave Klein defend Xbox. With the PS4 well ahead of the Xbox One in sales, it’s already clear which system is superior but let’s see if facts will prevail tonight! To watch live, just bookmark this article and tune in tonight at 7:00pm (PST). If you’ve got some good ammo for the debate, share your thoughts with us in the comment section after the jump, or hit me up on Twitter and/or Facebook.

After the jump, a live embed of the show awaits you.

Editorial: Why I Support Raychul Moore As the Maxim Gamer Girl and Why You Should Too

A lot has been said about Maxim and their quest to find a “female gaming buff who has the looks, personality, and gaming skills” to become the first Maxim Gamer Girl. So what does that entail? The winner would represent Maxim and gamer girls at different gaming events while getting some exposure in Maxim magazine and their website. After a period of voting where contestants can place their profile on MaximGamerGirl.com and allow the public to vote, Maxim will pick a winner from the top 3. Now, whether you are for or opposed to publications like Maxim is a completely different topic. Instead, what I want to focus on are the current so-called “gamer girls” that you see at most events. They are sexy, in some skimpy clothes, can twirl their hair like no other and handle anything you give them, except a controller. Unfortunately, for the most part, female hosts and models for gaming events and shows are picked for their looks and not their actual knowledge or skills. With exceptions of people like Veronica Belmont, for example, most are either there to look pretty/sexy or read off a cue card and cannot sway from the topic. Look no further than Olivia Munn.

Happy Birthday Raychul Moore

I wanted to take this and wish friend of the site and all around awesome girl Raychul Moore a Happy Birthday. Raychul was one of the first people to really support our site and help us grow without asking why. She instead believed in what we have to offer and we couldn’t be more thankful.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Raychul and her work, she is a hardcore gamer, scary movie buff and Star Wars geek in the best way possible. Her gaming really spans across all three current systems where you can make sure that she is hunting down and getting every last reward a game has the offer, none of this silly run through once and you are done kind of business from this girl. Of course, when she’s not actually playing games, there is a good chance that she is talking about them somewhere. Whether it’s on her Twitter page, her weekly live video chats or the countless hosting shows she has done, including GamePro, EGM, GameZone.com, and Machinima.com. Just to beat it into you how geek our friend is, here is her apartment:

With her favorite characters of recent years being Nathan Drake from Uncharted and Kratos from God of War, we couldn’t have wished for a better friend for the site. You can find Raychul on Twitter or hit her site to get even more information on who she is and her career. Happy Birthday Raychul Moore and like a good friend, we won’t reveal her age 😉
