Spider-man Reboot Being Shot in RED EPIC 3D

I’m sure by now you know that there is going to be a reboot to Spider-man, sometime in 2012 (May 4th or 11th if I had to take a guess) and that it is going to be in 3D, like most big movies now. But the good news is the guys over at Sony Pictures have the sense of shooting the entire film in native 3D, instead of delivering a post conversion of the film in 3D which so far, few have done appropriately, and instead, most have turned out messed up like Clash of the Titans and Last Airbender (I loved Clash but the 3D was wack). John Schwartzman, the cinematographer behind such movies as The RockArmageddon and Pearl Harbor will instead be using Red Epic 3D cameras, the same units that Peter Jackson just recently snatched 30 of to shoot The Hobbit in 3D with. If the recent 3D movies like TRON: LEGACY and trailers for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is any indication of the future of 3D movies has to offer, then I can only imagine what a film like Spider-man will look like which begs for the depth 3D has to offer, especially when Peter Parker decides to swing throughout the city.

[Image, courtesy of Engadget]