New Cybershots and Bloggie from Sony During CES?

As we get closer to CES 2011, the rumor mills tend to work in overdrive, sometimes delivering very credible insider information and other times, nothing more then a fanboys dream. The good news is with CES less then a week away, we won’t have to wait long to find out how much weight these rumors have. So without further wait, I give you Sony CES rumors.

First off, Sony is expected to renew its Cybershot fleet with all new models and 3D is rumored to play a part in the higher end versions. However, Sony is not expected to make any changes to the current NEX and Alpha lineup, though there might be some software update announcement. Outside of that, the current and well received Bloggies are to get a update and expect to see plenty of new 2D and 3D camcorders from Sony. The one hot rumor is that there might be some kind of showing, all be it prototype of the NEX-7 and Alpha77 but I personally won’t put too much though into that.