Sony Ericsson’s Canadian Store Hacked, 2,000+ Account Data Taken

We hate to be right on the subject matter but it is indeed another day and another Sony website has been hacked. This time, it’s Sony Ericsson’s Canadian store that has seen intruders illegally break in and steal customer information. More than  2,000 Canadian Eshop customers data were taken this but again, just like the previous attack, there is good news. Sony has stated that customer passwords were all encrypted, thus making them useless to the culprits and no credit card data was accessed. As Naked Security put it in our last article:

 when this is over, Sony may end up being one of the most secure web assets on the net. 

I think it’s important to note with all these hackings is that Sony is not the party to blame and instead, the real anger should be towards those who are stealing your information. As I wrote an extensive piece on this before, no matter how you view the company, it’s in their best interest to have events like this not occur but at the end of the day, the criminals are the hackers.

[Via BBC]